Y'all are just teasing us, right? There are no pics in the Madison album!
There were a few that didn't make the cut for my album either. I'm sure the folks involved are grateful for that.

We just gotta wait for Craven/ Jes. (tappity tap.) (I have no right to be impatient, I saw everyone in person.) (Pics are still cool, tho.)
yay! So, the mods have to ok the pix? I see the ones timber posted, but no others.....
Guyz !! Them piccies are GREAT !!! FAB !! STUPENDOUS !!!
What a great bunch of people !! When I met Piffka in September, we were just wondering abt how friendships have grown on this forum - and how readily people are making contact with each other in the real world !!
I am all misty eyed here - believe it or not.
Wish I was there !
Pretty cool, isn't it, Prince Gautam!
Now see, since I've met Piffka, and you've met her too - there's only one degree of separation 'tween us. Only one more move to make - you HAVE to come to North America!
Indeed! Lots and lots of England --> O'Hare flights...
Really great pics of some most beautiful dogs!!!
Restaurant, meal(s) and surroundings look pretty as well!
All topped, of course, by those fabulous people, who met there!!!
I'm sorry, I missed this
wonderful day!
hmmmmmmm - i'm campaigning for a Chicago get-together next October on one of the other sites I frequent.
Walter - you're the travelling man - c'mon over and meet some of us sometime.
I ran into maxsdadeo elsewhere on the net the other day. He was a bit peeved that he'd forgotten the date of the get-together.
Thanks for posting the pics guys. It's a pleasure to see your faces.
(there're always great fares from o'hare to amsterdam, if'n i remember right. so tempting back when i had an income...)
I never did think of the question I had for you, patiodog, and talking didn't really work out (sum total of patiodog-soz interaction -- he said something, I didn't really get it, I looked puzzled, wondered if it was what pd said or how the terp terped it, patiodog looked puzzled, I said something, he didn't hear me [it was LOUD in there and I didn't adjust my voice volume well], he looked at terp, terp looked puzzled, we went round and round this way a bit, I said "who's on first?" which really was not the most clarifying thing to say but it was what occurred to me, he looked more puzzled, and then he went back to listening to Irish jokes from Setanta) but one question I do have is the income thing... have a job? Looking for a job?
I think Soz should get a picture taken in her Rosie t-shirt, and post that here. That's a great shirt.
Lucky person with the Rosie shirt!
Sorry 'bout that, soz. I don't hone my senses very well, and am constantly distracted by things on the periphery. Someday they'll put me in a nice, quiet room and I'll be quite happy... I'm still not sure how Who's on First worked in. I can't remember what I thought was being said before, but I know that it was something quite different... (Senility, like gray hair, afflicts people in my family at a very young age...)
Job? None yet, but I'll prolly have to start looking in the near future. Have kind of taken on a large academic load, unfortunately, and I'm not sure which area of my life would suffer from workaday. Next semester should be easier, if I can make it that far. Why do you you ask?
Yeah, I never did get the subject matter, so the "Who's on first" was just about the round-about-ness and general confusion.
Lucky indeed! (Did I mention that Swimpy rocks?)
All right, now you're embarassing me.
What a great group of people! It looks like you all had a good time and I regret that I was unable to attend. I will say everyone in attendance pretty much looked how I had them pictured in my mind. With one exception.... Setanta. I always pictured Setanta looking something like this...
Instead, he turns out to be a young Kurt Vonnegut kind of guy.
Will wonders never cease?
Thanks for posting the pics. I'm glad you guys had a good time.
Maybe you could send us all invites to the Vatican? Soon. You've been looking rather tired lately.