Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2005 12:43 pm
faded its just a matter of time
fo i come runnin u with ma nine
im from the M.A.N.C
from the big UK so keep messing with me
coz i got north on ma shoulder
make yo life over......
yo a kid in this game
bring yo family shame
ya bitch of a mum to blame
u say ur hot im a fukin flame
so lyrically gifted
aint had time to shine
its gon be eyes on me
with the big lc2k3
lift your face with chat
make you look like ann robinson
b4 the operation
im a brick ur a stone
rock yo face with ya nose bone
time will tell whos the kingpin
of this fukin forum
me n lc we gon show um
0 Replies
killa chiken
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2005 01:09 pm
oi faded u sound like u jus learnt to talk
u probably get ur mum to help u walk
if ur so raw
where u from?
u better cumbac cos now im pissed
0 Replies
faded and determined
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2005 02:14 pm
im a cali nigga
i kno' u heard
we out here
we flip them birds
im a real gangsta
u from the north
i bet you'll love the sun
but i'll charge u
ta stand on my porch
i like how yall clowns
tryin ta gang up on me
all yalls weak man
step ya game up homie
talkin that u brick im stone
stone is harder u idiot
i'll crush ya colla bone
im on this site
given straight street ****
yall probly never been to the hood
yall sleepin
i hold heats in my waist
and i hold hammas
that'll break ya face
its a god damn shame
how i gotta do you pussy cats
better yet you fuccin pussy rats
fiddy sayin mum
but i bet his mum
kno' how i cum
watch ya back here that black kid com
yall white boys make me laugh
yall jus learned how ta rap
its not a fad
you gotta have skills ta kill
plus a will thats i'll
take a chill pill
and take the time look at my rhymes
see im better than all yall bitshes combined
talkin that you pissed off
i kno you behind on rap
you probly still listen ta criss cross
america got you shook
im for clintin fucc george bush
and fiddy u-r not gifted
you should rank #1 on raps **** list
this is my hit list
see how i spizznit
flows so unbreakable
it stop traffic
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2005 04:58 pm
faded im tryna get it through
the reason we gangin up on u
is coz we tryna get u off this site
and thts just puttin it down polite
and you aint from cali you bitch
i seen you in boston tryna get a hitch
hike man ya mums a dyke
im from the big UK and no forgettin dat
and the manchester i stay repin tht
holy **** u turned killa chick green
he like incredible hulk
and no offence but hes more dope than u are
and ive always been gifted
dont take it out on me ya dads porno shop been shop lifted
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2005 05:06 pm
faded_and_determined wanna act like he forgot about Lc2k3
reading his raps.. huh id have more fun climbing up a tree
now your beggining to piss me off
just because adam doyle got me a digger to shave my 'boff'
you see me + fiddy are from the UK
you say his mum seen you cum, his mums a man that makes you gay
i think your whit painted yourslef black
i told you i was on art attack
your words dont hurt me in fact they're ****
fiddys coming to my 'crib' to play in the sand pit
you see im really five + hes really 2
your 32 and my vocab is better than you
now a word of advice before im gone
make your words more offensive, chew a bon bon
so ill leave you again to think up a spit
how cum my house reaks like horse ****?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2005 06:04 pm
See, I'm tha G with a little punk touch
I'm what they lookin fo, I'm what they want
Better yet I'm what they need
Coz without me they won't succeed
You're no gangsta,wanksta, you a wannabe
You worse than Cena, I seen ya but "you can't see me"
I ain't tryna hate, I'm just doing my thingy
If u got a problem then just come and bringy.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Mar, 2005 10:12 am
hello friend faded
im white with my hair braded
statons never seen his dad
poor old david
i am a latino
noddy rules so does dandy and beano
i love mapel syrup makes my belly feel good
not like you nasty cunts in the hood
ive got a bouncer ball
want to play with me
got to hurry up
having lamb grills for tea
i wear a pokemon vest
and my gran calls me a pest
but does that me we cant plat chess
in are underpants
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Mar, 2005 10:15 am
I'll come quick, slit your throat when you aint even lookin/
Have your ass full of holes, like a fuckin pin cushion/
My rhymes I spit so rugged by the hundreds/
Like a crack head doin lines and gettin blunted/
I'll run circles around your ass as I speak/
My words are as fast as yours are weak/
Your not a fuckin G dog but you are a little punk/
I'm not afraid to say **** cuz I don't give a ****/
So if you got the big balls you need to beef with me/
Bring it on I'll leave you dead in the middle of the street....
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Mar, 2005 10:22 am
i start fires
i will pull out ur pubic hair
with my pliers
my bread is green and moldy
atleast my dad aint mobby
its the return of the mak
i have spare blue tack
come play blackjack
with me please
i like sweetcorn and snort pea's
tiem to stroke my cat
and make my bed
dont give me jip coz i live in a shed
i cook for old people make them feel special inside
i cooked chicken kievs and then she died
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Mar, 2005 10:32 am
You Think your 50 cent, got his pecs
my favourite dinosaur is the T-Rex
I like beef paste a young boy once said to me
then my dad said pull yor pants down before you have a wee
My Buddy's grandad used to call him mush
Then he smoked dope had a sex change + dueted with LLCOOLJ on hush
He went for his hair cut the other day
Alan's dead he said, took my smile away
My kite is broken, the sring is snapped
Dont feed cocaine to the cat
The wise words of my uncle roland before he got sore
I swapped my ineritence for a bulbasaur
I stuck action man up my nose when i was ten
Every Christmas i'd get 3pounds from good old len
I suppose what im saying is true
As the Spice girls once said, Mama i love you
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Mar, 2005 10:55 am
my favourite dish is ready break
im like the paki with glasses
from star trek
my fantasy is zoe ball eating some graps
and mini driver fingering a ape
i loved shaggy and ali g
i once won a mr.slinky on CITV
i once ate a sausage roll
that my brother gave to me
but i found out that he stole
from debby McGee
i collect yu gi ho
i love to buy and trade
please drink my orangeade
suncharms best
woops ive spilt it down my thermal vest
we love u david williams
u let me play with ur gun
but ur mum was just mean
ur sister used to make her own jean
i love to draw pictures with my daddy jor d an
i wish i was in the bath with the wu tang clan
my mummy works in kwik save
she works like a slave
just to by a knife so my daddy can have a shave
i wear womens perfume makes me feel hot
craig charles is my heroe with his big robot
im gonna love you and leave you
i love you all to bits
but im affraid trifle has given me the shits
0 Replies
killa chiken
Reply Wed 23 Mar, 2005 01:12 pm
faded u got to this country on ur lips
ur mum has the tightest pair an i mean the ones between the hips
u got raped by ur dad when u was a boy
thats how AIDS and H.I.V got joined
ur a homosexual
the idea of a woman frightens u
u probably have sex with vegetables
an why wont u answear my questions pussy
afraid to reveal ur true identity
what r u a gay sensetive
******* reply faggot
and dont get rude
cos u probably just a 14 year old child
who as a lyrical talent which is so very mild
so shut up and listen when im talking to u
u ******* little homosexual
0 Replies
faded and determined
Reply Wed 23 Mar, 2005 04:06 pm
listen up killa chicken
yous a bitch
you probly rape chickens
im a 18 year old black dude
yous a wanna be rapper
breakin the rap rules
all this bullshit that you spitin
is rediculous you stupid fuckin chicken
yous a clown
ya raps belong in a circus
and your kind of funny
but im not jokin
you done provoked a vet
now this is wut i call mic check
yous a white boy from the uk
and all the rappers out is weak n-e-way
so wut make you think you gonna be a star
im the dvd and yous the vcr
so while im skip through ****
you gotta fastfoward to get were i get

the flo'got u dazed
im fire u sweet like glaze
betta yet ya rap stink like eggs
funny face bitch u have no game
u have the rap mentality i had wen i was in 5th grade
nice ta eat you on this rap
i eat chicken while count my stacks
hide in the cut b'cuz the heats commin
watch wen i shoot ya brains gonna be smokin
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Mar, 2005 04:36 pm
Faded_and _determined when will it sink in?
hang on a minute i need to go get the bin
your words dont mean jack ****
im so upset the council took away my sand pit
you see i dont know if its clicked yet...
hang on my dog needs neutering, you can do it if your a vet
oh the rain has gone and the clouds have come out
me and you can be friends go picking dandelions, fishing for trout
i cant believe i dint think of this before
i dont when maybe before my sister was abducted by dirty den and turned into a whore
woohoo were not enemies so ill say my goodbyes...
hang on a ******* second... dems all lies!
You see what i really meant
was your an 18 cum 67 yr old who gave up jacking off for lent
As i said before your words mean nowt
im a bastard + a lager lout
but how can i be a bastard my parents were in wed lock
Stone Cold Steve Austin has been arrested by the cops
I mean were on a website posting our raps
Luke Purcells dad loves Iraq
So get a grip man this aint 8 mile
ive just been sick, its a bit of bile
me n mush think your a peado
looking at kids and using your tweesers
so fiddy,mush,killa_chicken and me dare you come get us
nooooooooooooooo there goes the bus
au revoir to all my fans and crew
that curry's gone straight through me, off to the loo...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Mar, 2005 04:55 pm
lets go throw stones at my grandma
and ill bring luncheon meat sandwhichs
catapilla on my finger
sarah purcell ur a minger
ive just gone kfc and ate a zinger
lets spray links in my eye
while i suffacate ur cat with my tie
lets play lego ive got star wars edition
ill be luke skywalker going on a mission
ive got orange playdough in my hair
holy cow ive dropped my mulller rice
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Mar, 2005 05:21 pm
lets rape chris akabusi
and eat snack a jacks
ice cream ice cream on my tongue
paul mills is no mong
ive got a mole on cheak
brock lesnar has not yet reached his peak
mummy the radiators got a leak
i love chutney
and chocolate money
my hair is red coz i cut my skull
im gonna fly with my redbull
jonathon has got loads more
its not his fault his dad is poor
i mince meat
for daniel balls brother
like staton luke only has a mother
mmmmmmmmm tuna and red onion
makes me wanna lick my bunion
weres my lip gloss
im gonna give a bj
lee machin has turned into a dj
raj how much the pringles
well can i have 2
and a box of mingles
vincent knock on 4 me after lunch
painkillers mum thanx a bunch
ive got my ascot trainers on
me and lee eat strawberry bon bon
ive got a scab on my shine
mmmmmmmmmm baked beans in a tin
lets go capcise tom hanks in his dingy boat
if your in aporno doe u have to shave your scroat
mr.kipling make me cake
i love caprice and nathan blake
0 Replies
bryan your a superstar
Reply Wed 23 Mar, 2005 05:22 pm
hello my name is byan
im a bit of a newbie to this rappin lark, im in the Arizona and boy do i need a fan
i was on gratten court posting some flyers
got to lads to post em for 50 new pence and i slashed sum tyres
i nearly drowned long ago
told young Roo he laghed and beat the hell out of me you know
well thats a bit about me lets get it started
just to let you know im blind so my helpers typing and shes retarded
ok im psyched up now ready to blow/go
you american youngsters youve got the flow
did i mention i was blind
ye its not my fault.. when i was a nipper... in the eye boiling hot bacon rind
cumon bryan psch yourself up
faded_and_dangerous seems a nice boy his mummys in luck
one...two...three... GO
im from greenland, love marmalade
i get worked up in the heat suzie pushes me into the shade
im cold like water
made wild love to a lollypop woman now ive got a daughter
im small and bald
had a fight with a baby and i got maulled
phew im knackered ill have a rest
got my SATS 2moz, boy they'll be a test
its past my bed time so id better go
mr sheen shines oh so clean, ma brother i got the flow
Peace out!!!!

Bryan will next be on line at 1100 hrs GMT. Any personal request for signed photos should be mailed to [email protected]
Bryan would like to thank you for your time and will will be raising funds for the bryan trust fund to help young orphans and victims of child beating. Bryan has gone for a curry at the walkdencurry bar
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Mar, 2005 06:54 pm
Yo BRC you a fag or sumthin
I'll chew you up like an egg mcmuffin
I ain't got balls but that's cause i'm a chick
I know u maybe think u r but u ain't that thick
You in university i'm in junior high
Think before you tak, pick on someone ur own size
0 Replies
faded and determined
Reply Thu 24 Mar, 2005 12:27 am
ok fucc these faka ass battles
im like a big shark
you wont get away even if u use a paddle
seems like i got the game rattled
posted on the block servin in stacy adams
im the kid wit the glock on lock
talkin **** ta me
somebodys gonna loose a pops
i got stacks of cheese
when i pull out the bling
it give niggas parkisons dieseas
hoe please
check the flo' wen i hit the doe
emcees hit the flo'
most known fo the hoes i get
plus i get so much head
it look like a bobblehead convintion
wuts the matter
ya boy got ya shook
im a theif
im gone wit ya poket book
look this is me
postin raps for funny cats fo free
thats the end of this one
this one rap is better than Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Mar, 2005 11:40 am
Re: Neverending Rap Battle
dauer wrote:
Edit (Moderator): Our Terms of Service prohibit gratuitious insults, but we are willing to make an exception for this thread so long as it is within the rap form. Insults which are outside of the form will be removed.

Use only this thread for Rap Battles. All existing threads will be locked and any new ones will be pulled.

Battle the user above you. 10 lines or more to help give the next poster material.

Ill shoot cha like Mel Gibson, my rhymes stay hittin
While you stay bit*hing, trippin and shootin at the air cuz u stay missin
My rhymes is harda darka than Danny Glova, U my bit*h like lil kidz to Michael under the covaz's
get it 2getha, I'm white and u clear like rain in tha weatha
I read all tha raps on tha internet, whatz sad is all yall is weak drippin pissin wet
i aint gota crip no more to claim this set, U rhyme slow like chevette im hard to tha core in vet
U only asked for 10 lines, so i gave u that cuz I got much more i'm inifinity rhymes
UR bit*h is a 3 mine is a 9, i'm the king of tha game i'm a head of my time

This is Pretty Rick im out
0 Replies

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