you c thug are u palesitienien cuz i am and u dont know what u talkin about your rhymes are all played out ur done go to the dictionary and find new words ok enjoy the snow
yall think it's cool to be shootin up a brotha but alls ya gots anotha thing comin yo fools is like a busted up mutha tryn to make a life but you ain't seen half the strife I'm livin with and **** your knife or gun you wanna mess with me cthugplaya be prepared to run cause done bun can't be undone and none o yo lyrics rhyme but I gotta go rip yall up anotha time peace
yall think it's cool to be shootin up a brotha but alls ya gots anotha thing comin yo fools is like a busted up mutha tryn to make a life but you ain't seen half the strife I'm livin with and **** your knife or gun you wanna mess with me cthugplaya be prepared to run cause done bun can't be undone and none o yo lyrics rhyme but I gotta go rip yall up anotha time PEACE YO
extra extra read all about it
ya boy faded done came ta start some ****
but keep it quite
o **** u cant i jus posted it
not new 2 da game
been rappin since 5th grade
plus ya boy throw fire grenades
not by means of hands
but by means of lyrical violence
i spit hot ****
it'll burn off ya eye lids
try me i'll kill off ya fukin kids
this is me
im the fukin biz
holla at ya boy i fuk like Wilt did
its a wrap for these clown ass niggas
b'cuz im not tryin ta hit it big
go figure
im a lil nigga wit a big ego
i steal so much they call me lego my 'ego
and on top of that i kill niggas
and put holes in you the size of over processed bagles
who r u a-holes
i had a bitch name miss b
tryin ta clown
were da fuk she go
hope she post soon
so i can show
dat lil white girl
how dem thangs blow
i blow hella trees
for u misundestood
that means weed
and if u fallin behind
i do serve speed
sittin in class
bored as a door knob
imma crip so i love ta murder slobs
i leave em all stiffer than door knobs
or i'll do you like king did
run in ya house and murder ya kids
im not psyco
im jus hood
faded is the name
so u kno im smokin good
its that bomb diggity bomb bomb
plus im servin it
so here the feinds come
determined is wut i is
so hide ya wallets here come dat kid
18 and im a problem
by the time i 25
i'll be more looked up than Sadam
oops did that sound unpatriotic
**** america its full of fukin hypicrits
how u send money across seas
for diease
but cant send a fukin dime across the street
it makes me sick how **** happeds
fuk BUSH 2 hey its only rappin
People say im not black so I shouldn't rap
Man I don't need to be black to know ur **** is wack
Please boy pack up ur nap sack
Throw tantric a bone
Listen scraps try to call me a newbie
Ill put bullet holes through u with a oozzie
I no ur sittin back tryin to think of something to say
I just made the forum go wild, ur lookin gay
Ur gonna have to find a new forum to spit in
But none of them will take u this will be the last one u writ in
As u can see I only need to post once to be the best
I just took u out with one spit so either do
The lean back like fat joe or get back like luda
you done said that **** before homes its played out
shut ur bitch ass up when i get on tha mic n shout
furys a bitch n he aint gonna make it cuz he a snitch
ur spit'n **** to basic~you suck dude jus face it
you choke on cocaine only way u spit'n lines~so ima grab ur mic n lace it
dude im gonna break it down for you like dis
tha first thing you did wrong was get me piss
next was tell'n us real rappas to pack up our snack pack
then talk'n about fat joe~ima make you step not lean back
cuz im here like mafuck'n mike tysons desciple
come'n wit punches to knock u out~n i hold tha title
so you act'n like your ass want tha ****'n crown
ima spit back wit jus two lines and shut you down
all you b*tches think you champ, but if you battle me im gonna make your gitch damp,you aint **** but a chump,ill make you run around the world like forrest gump,cuz im the illest mc on this mic,you aint **** but a dyck on this mic,you aint got no vocabulary, stop coping **** out the dictionary,keep practicing cuz you aint got **** on me,youz a wack mc, just a wannabe me, i may be white, but on the mic i am the spot light, im back and im taking over this site, yall just sad cuz you cant admit that im right, my name is hero, your level of style is zero, im the one wit tha flow,so you got to go, i got game, step to me so i can put you to shame, your rap game is lame, im a real mc your a punk that cant say the same.
back wit a vengance
plus i got da new hit list
its a battle who want this
im not the king or the fukin prince
im just a hood nigga tryin ta get rich
all yalls on some bitch ****
callin people out wut is this
seen my flow posted
yall said he sick
dont think u wana call him out
he's the business
im faded
off that oooh ****
yall cats is slow
cath up pricks
most of yall think imma slow down for ya
naw imma slow down then speed up on ya
so try me if u wana
touch if you can
you cant beat me punks
im the fukin chronic man
y aint nobody postin on the site
dont be writin my rhymes down
real niggas dont BITE
i keeps it hype
im like flava flav in his prime
wit me you think you gettin bargain
but i'll rip you off like america online
yall should wait in line b'cuz its my turn
i roll a blunt so perfect
it'll give you fuccin heart burn
when yall gon learn
im not ta be fooled wit
flams come out my mouth
when i casually spit
2days st patricks day you got ya green on
yous a pussy nigga i kno u wearin a green thong
man yall comedy
battle me make me laugh
you niggas is ameture
u need a swift kick in the ass
so, u for me or against me
who wana clash nigga jus type me
hero u's a zero
i see through ya act
you should disaper
b'cuz ya flows is wak
chill guy dont get all hype
thats right it aint write
so dont think jus type
put ya mind on the line
you cant
you freestylin wit me
is like
puttin ya life on the line
catch up boy i hit the finish line
been here for a minute why u still behind
next we have fury wit his repeated rhymes
man dont think u's a rappa u should take ya time
aint seen u on the site
wut happend man
scraps gave u a beattin wit ya own fuccin hand
relax guy its ok
but wen u post ya diss
jus think about niggas do read
so dont say the same ****
who want it wit the kid
callin niggas out
since i was standin in the crib
come on man or woman somebody come wit some heat rocks or flames i have no problem gettin ripped jus come correct and before you do wana battle make sure u can rap or rhyme at least and check my otha **** if u need a resume on ya boy holla back
anyone who says white boys cant rap
is just chatting plain old crap
if they wanna ******* battle
ill beat them till they shake dere tail rattle
cos they a animal
and deserve to be put down
cos they aint nothing but a clown
so they can step bac an shut up
cos if they dont ima **** them up
if u wanna reply then e-mail me at :
[email protected]
Your a dumb mother ****** who should not be talkin
Your a terrible example so quit your skwakin
Nobody cares that your white or you think you can rap
So c'mon right now and battle me back
act fast and attack so i can beat your fuckin ass
The verbs i spit, and the words I speak
will creap into your mind and leave you scared for weeks
leave you checkin to see
if i'm under your bed ready to cut off your head
I'm not comin' to your rescue, or comin' to test you.
Batllefield's on, sucka rapper I'll best you.
Lyrical napalm is the weapon of choice,
Chokin' up punk? Cuz I'm stealin' your voice.
Everything you thought you knew, up in smoke, bloke...
You'd do better in a battle tellin' knock, knock jokes.
i see killa chicken typing **** that he written
finger licking bucket to sweaty to **** it
ill just let yo bitch suck it
coz this game will never be the same
so watch ma finger dont slip
or you'll have a hollow tip......
burning through ya chest
swimming in ya blood lookin like a mess
an man my keyboards burnin up
typing **** so hot feels like a AK shot
leave you out to dry
you think you can take me nigga try
an i dint want no beef
ive just sat back gritting ma teeth
coz the **** ya'll typing is making me sick
this **** will make you kidds shiver
send a shock down ya spine
coz its just a matter of time b4 i get all iced out
i wondered why there was a draft in the room
or is it ya ghost after i kocked ma weapon
who r these new dudes
postin bad news
im not vet a on this site
but check the name
i've posted more than u dudes
most of yall rhymes is nothing
and the others they might be somethin
been waitin for some body ta post
so now im startin ****
and yes i provoke
the beef is out there
if you want it come and get
come wit somehin good
b'cuz i got slugs
that'll put super holes in ya 59/50
look, all you guys are ******* spastics
u look like downs syndrom kids tryin to do gymnastics
clary, u look like u belong at the docks
u transvestite ho, ur face looks like an ashtray for my hot rocks
but serious all u pricks need to get a life
im only on here to take the piss cos all ur lyrics are so shite
the funny thing is- im not even joking
on here cos u cant do a real battle without choking
ur not mcs or rappers, u cant spit ryhmes over beats
so u gotta resort to writing rhymes on ur pcs.
if u think u can mc, try doing it for real
or are u too shook that you'll get ******* killed
your funny this is freestyle homie y u think they call it freestyle no beat bitch ya rhymes ok but you need not ta be a hypricrit if u not here ta spit or battle u dont have ta log on and on top of that ya name suck
killa chicken
i think i gotta kill this bird
he dont kno' who he fuccin wit
this is upserd
i shouldn't have to put my chickens bacc in the coop
thats wut my roosters fo'
flap ya wing and fly away
faded done caught cha
u about ta get high today
guess wut
i eat chicken
every day
beef comes and you run away
bet you this guy cried on his birthday
dont come to the site talkin ****
jus cuz this the internet
my **** bangs i dont need a beat for you ta break ya neck
so come on chump post somethin
jus like i said in the rhyme above
im lookinta start somethin
el pollo loco this **** is funny
type some **** now
dont run from me
Seems you have a bit of a thing for beef
Personally, I'd get more turned on by a Kaiser Chief
Throw me a frikkin bone here
The boredom you bring is Like reading Shakespeare
With Your Beef, Do You Take Lard?
I've Got a shiny Charizard
Daddy or chips one asks ones self
Oh No... It's Killer Chicken boy, HELP!!!
I Think Your Trauma Comes Coz Your Poor
I Mean Cumon, at least i can afford a jigsaw
Then you talk bout chicken being bad
Like David Staton, I've Never seen my real dad
Westlife are the band for me
Wonder if im having lasagna for tea?
I Suppose Youd eat Beef with forks, and chicken with spoons?
Got to Go, can't miss an episode of Family Fortunes
'Finally the Rock has come back...'
I like reading picture books cause I'm a Spack
To sum you up i'd probably say...
Your about as bad as Macie frikkin Gray
u funny as hell
ta think u gon beat me
look at the others
they thought they was gon beat me
but todays not ya day
im on a fuccin rampage
look ya boy up on the other post page
i spit hot **** for days
im about ta crush ya ass
like fresh bag of hot lays
plus i come to ya hood
wit the AK
extended clips to extend ya day
thats is it fo'ya boy
im soldier in the game
you dont know me boy
man somebody better tell this boy
befor i robb him consecutivly
like a liquor store
I'd Guess Your American + a Bit Slow
You got a problem with My Daddy being a Gigolo
Look at my previous 'spit'
Oh no, I've stood in horse ****
It's been added to... Just For You
The Jungle book ruled, + so did balloo
So your gonna raid my hood like im tox?
Just because im white + live in a cardboard box
Its a shame really that you can't raid me, beat me up
You don't know where I live arsehole, awww a cute little pup
Your not bad + dangerous
I've been on Art Attack so i'm famous
I like Steve Austin, Yes i am sad
But at least im not a 12yr old who thinks hes bad
You've still not impressed me, yet again
wonder where Mummy put my cocaine
Time for me to conclude... Bye Bye
Yes my favourite... Pork Pie