Reply Sun 2 Jan, 2005 09:07 pm
ur fukin right psych
that light was bright
now its turned out i dnt hav to see the **** that dude writes
konflictbeast wot u talking bout
ur as new as me & so dnt go spilling that disposable crap out

let these ppl copy wotever they like
thats their choice & not for u to decide
& wot the hell u talk about dude?
i get pussy & porn all under one roof

if u knt appreciate wot other ppl say
then pack it in man, & get the fuk away
fair enough im new too
but least i dnt suck as much as u
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Jan, 2005 05:29 am
Bitch its twistedbeast//Now ima feast///Coming at you from the east//Your soon to be cease//Raps starting to increase//Earn my respect//you ******* reject//I allready have it allready to collect//A direct missle effect you betta eject//Don't wnat none of this because I devastate//Killing all you mother fuckers beyound the birthrate//Let me translate//with all the debree you mother fuckers accumulate//You can fill a plate//But lets get beyond that//your flows are flat//No betta than a rat//Guess what im the cat//I'll ******* crack your head in with a baseball bat//lets cut the chitchat//You'll cant rap//If any yall posted against me yall got the strap//Shut your ******* trap//Your about to get cap--ed//I'll entrap and never unwrap you//your last hope to use against me is voodoo//You need to renew//You need a rescue//
0 Replies
kris thomas
Reply Mon 3 Jan, 2005 05:05 pm
Yo konflict I'll be using Voodoo against you,
because no 1 smells as much as you do.
f*ckin Fag
aint u glad
i treat you like my fu*kin punch bag
I got talent you can't have!
Your my feast i eat u for supper
I'm not all there in the head i'm a nutta!
i'm from the north east
I'm a shithot rapper like Twisted beast!
Your raps don't even know how to increase!
Because everyword you say begin to Seace!
I aint earnin your respect
Because i got betta **** to deflect
like me i might be a reject
but i aint got AIDS like i need to disinfect!
I'ma comm at you like a rocket
I'll smack you in the face before you reach for yo pocket!
your aint a fu*kin cat u aint like buffy
a cat is the nearest thing you could get to a pussy!
f*ckin Jock strap
you can't rap
U can't kiddie fiddle nothin but yo pap!
Your like Michael Jackson playin with da kids!
You'd bet a italian orphan with a ten dolla bid!
f*ck it i only came back to show you who's the best!
I'm your rescue try n shoot me down with a bullet proof vest!

Try me!
0 Replies
kris thomas
Reply Mon 3 Jan, 2005 05:14 pm
Jesus, fellow rappers, i've only been gone a day and there's already a war
I'm so confident we can all be friends **** it i'll kick you all to the floor!
Listen everybody, don't just be nasty when people walk in!
Give them a chance to make a fool out of them selves before the begin!
Now psych i've told you before
lil shaz is a f*ckin whore.
He sold his body twice in his local superstore!
Lil Shaz Do you stalk 50 cent because everything you say is you stole that from 50 cent!
fu*kin shut up man at least our ars* aint up 4 rent!
F*ckin stupid queer
Get in to shape n get into gear!
Who gives a f*ck if you steal lyrics they aint copyright
Your mum's arse aint copyright either thats y ima go have her ass tonite!
U crossed the wrong person now man im askin for a fight!
Because your raps are lame and poor i'd rather called shyte!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Jan, 2005 05:44 pm
Yo Kris,
New Boi ere i get rid o ya like piss!
Listen i'm like a greyhound!
I got 4 arms just ready to pound!
you hear that? thats ma sound!
I battle you, you'll feel like your a surround!
listen up mutha fu*ka
you can't rap you just a sucka!
I know you u see, you got a 306 right?
I gotta admit it does sound alright
But i'm gonna steal yo **** like on a red light!
I'm fuckin you in this battle you know whu i am!
I know your Blonde X g/f Pam!
you got a millionaire uncle called Sam?
You remember me? **** it you battle me every week!
We battle thru sunlight n through the sleet!
you might be first place wen we all rap togetha!
but i'm gonna be the best on this site n lead forever!
n who the **** is a-grave!
His rap's are like summink u'd buy from Kwik Save!
N Psych Take a hike fuckin Dyke go home and watch spike n tyke!
**** it kris i'm oudda here, Racing out in renault!
I've choked you on this so see you later fellow!
0 Replies
kris thomas
Reply Mon 3 Jan, 2005 05:57 pm
yo Greyhound i know who you are!
I beat you last sat just go n play your guitar!
I beat you pure n simple by far!
Dazza, you aint gonna show me up on ere!
Because i'm half pissed from drinkin too much beer!
Try n rob my car i got the new clifford alarms!
Unlike your 1.2 renault with locks wider than arms!
whats yours? 0-60 in 6.8 seconds?
Mines 0-60 in 4.4 seconds!
I beat you everytime but not everyone reckons!
you shouldn't have passed ur test i need more lessons!
N a-grave is me mate on the website he's alright!
He's willin to battle n e 1 or just fo a fite!
cos me n him battle yo ass tonite!
Fu*king bring it on you only know me well cos u live round da corner from me!
Me n u have been friends since Yr 4 so stop battlin a G
you blind can't you see.
mother F*cker u got HIV!
0 Replies
P-unit Special-J
Reply Mon 3 Jan, 2005 06:17 pm
kris i dont steal the same ryhmes like you i dont steal **** period so get your own **** ok man and stop reusing man your sorry no 1 likes you just go back to being a little kidergarden teacher your sad you used my original and best rhyme and man i checked all these fourums and didnt see it once on this except mine so get your own stuff u sorry bitch*
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Jan, 2005 06:32 pm
Allright kris you asked for it//A murder I will commit//There will be no benifit//Bitch admit//All my rhymes are legit//Look at your rhymes than back to mine//Bitch design your own you near the baseline//You saying I can't rap is like saying the devil is divine// Your an idiot that says it all//**** a fight this is a brawl//Ima knock your eyeball out before nightfall everyone will be in awl//All of the fuckin world couldn't even save you from this fall//This is your downfall cock//Your a mock//On the crosswalk we'll headlock//Your a ******* jock//Better yet kris a joke//You get bitten when you provoke//Your raps are broke//And now I awoke//
0 Replies
kris thomas
Reply Mon 3 Jan, 2005 06:38 pm
yo beast, say **** that rhymes nothin da least!
I got a sundee dinner i gotta feast!
Heres my benefit You chocker
fuckin joker!
I get a betta buz playin poker
N thats a loada **** heres ur fall ur in a pit.
N ur face is face up so i take a ****
Over you is a Rap professionist
You fucked your mum you pesimist
your in my headlocks
I roll back in my dreadlocks
Fuckin Cock jock what the **** is that
i think you mean knob jock it makes more sence
**** you man u need some back or some defence!
Your Rap aint even rapable cos it's out of rhythm
Me n ma home boys cut u up when i'm with em!
you never Awoke
Cos ur rap's **** u bluffed n started to choke!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Jan, 2005 11:39 pm

konflictbeast, now look at it this way
ur damn right
i do agree with what you say
i dont want none o that, u DO devastate
ur a devastating piece of **** & need to get the **** away

now i mean what i say, & i do not doubt
i wudn't piss on yo lyrics to put a muvafukin fire out
the bitches i fuk moan better **** than that
u need to check urself u arsewiping fag

now r u trippin man? or evn on too much weed
cos damn faggot, u sound like u got special needs
u seem autistic
& ur mother missed it
dude be realistic
just look at the statistics

they been, that u, r totally shite
cmon write sumit gud, sumit that bites
threats: they dnt get u very far
wot u gun do over the net?! u fukin retard

u sending that baseball bat down the fone line?
& i'll get askd to accept but ill fukin decline
man, i swear, ur soo fukin gay
u must often make a marmite motorway

now i spose, that **** just gets shook off
so do us all a favour & plz fuk off
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Jan, 2005 07:32 am
lol its been a long time but im BAAACK... been in Kentucky,, with my Uncle and his 400 acres of land

It gave me some time ,, to reflect and bust my
Ar-15 .... and many many Clips later..... Back to

ok,,, first line of business......

P-uNIT...... I know you gave that Apology for
(as you said) "ripping me" but i didnt take it as a Loss.
and i dont think anyone else did either.

so the best thing an Mc like me can do... is Rip you 4 real. and then we can talk peace. So for right now. GET READY. lol show yall niggas real B-more talent style. MANY ON THIS POST KNOW ,, WHAT IM CAPABLE OF................................. P.L.O baby , im ready. ARE yOU ?

"i give credit , where its due" trust me
You havent earned you degree yet son.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Jan, 2005 07:58 am
I see Motha-fuckas pushin there limits.
Put my Iron sights on you bitch Mimics.
Teflon wraped 360*
Been gone for a Min
i know yall missed me.
The steel got cold.
Time to heat it Up.
treat you like fresh pussy
and straight beat it Up.
**** with me , ill send a Killa crew.
My niggaz?? you down with me? Then im Down with you!
lets stop the this playin and you know what to do.
When you C-thug, watch your mouth ,, and betta not Bug.
Cause im strapt.... No hesitation,,,, No words....
Ill be the street Mortician
Embalm you with lead.
Ill lower you Temp. , like a Over-tha-counta, med
Got these niggaz spazed out.. Like i own there Block.
B-more Home of The Ghetto Street Wave
Hotta, than a mid july Heat Wave
Crack got yall Niggaz thinking your untouchable
A Post Nine Eleven Erra, crime rates Unfathanable.
Cowards Die a Vicous death
Got these Bitchs Heated, like they on Chrystal Meth
Many become martyrs of the street Dream.
Owning the World and everything in it.
But i play the Game to Win.
strip these Punks of there Game Face
And give a Thugs Grin
Yall are mis-takes
Like a Nutt, Blown in the Wrong Place
End your worthless Lives with a Squeez of a Trigga.
Them Hollow Point slugs Give your Pewny-Unit Body a Cold shiva.
Send Sub-sonic Shreada'z Down your way. raid your crib the Fbi way,,, Empty clips where you Lay.
Spit at your face , at your wake
Put 2 In ya there
cause your a fake
do you Like fredo
Take you Fishin out on a Lake
Finish Tha Job
Claim Position on your Unit and everything they Make
God-fatha , motha-fucka,,, i claim that stake

P.L.O Oh you dont know?
Look it up.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Jan, 2005 08:07 am
Nigga you got a P-unit?

then why you askin Niggaz to Join?

that Proves that anything you spit bout your Unit will be lie's ,,, cause there aint enough of you.
Yall niggaz on the endangered species List.
Bout to become extinct Messin with me

I know yall from B-more but a Man gotta be a man And back his **** up. I will NEVA turn on my Niggaz for a P-unit trick like you..... and anyway

You got a Unit ,, then i got a Battlion ,,

your a sargent ,, then im your General

There aint no comparison .

higher level...... stick to Dc learning Puss-Unit.

I officially declare a lyrical Cease Fire ,,, cause i officially Ripped the only 2 P-unit Members........

P.L.O demolished yall Niggaz
like the trade center's

much respect to my niggas holding it Down.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Jan, 2005 11:44 am
Hey Kris Thomas, shut ya fuckin mouth for a second
and run and hide cuz its about ta get hectic
Yo **** Mush and Dogg and you can tell them little bitches Flex said it
Mush in the basement, handcuffed to a wall while Dogg yellin "spread it"
Mush used to be "Rock", until Dogg filled his ass with cock
and put hickeys on his neck and so now he claims he was shot

And Byrnfri? You a infant nigga, STOP TALKIN
'fore I get the gats out, and clap ya ass while you walkin
then paramedics get the chalkin', and ya moms get the cryin'
Cuz its anotha whack wangsta ends up dyin.
Cthug you from B-More?
Well then I respect you
But all these otha-motha-fuckas bout ta learn what the tech do
Its NOT a game Kris Thomas you lame, you fight like a dame
Your rhymes and they rhymes dawg they all sound the same
My rhymes nasty like okra
and my life?
Its filled with drama, I should be the headlina' for Oprah
I POP tarts with tha toasta
say the wrong **** dawg and its ova
My mood is up and down just like rolla coasters

Wife beata boxers never gowns
Dawg I'm just playin now
got outta school and now Im thinkin' bout
layin down, holla!

Dawg when Flex is pissed she quick ta spray a clown, holla!
And Flex anit wit no man unless they stack top dollas!
You gotta female that can rap? Go get that ho, call'er!
I'm not a bitch ho be specific I'mma rottweiler,

Its Tha Kliq Konflict, Pun It, you DONE, put ya mic up and go get applications for McDonalds its OVER.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Jan, 2005 01:27 pm
Flex ey
does that mean ur bendy?
u not feelin sexy?
feelin just a bit insecure?
so u give yasel a sexy name in the hope of a cure
or maybe u r a looker
with a sexy name
or maybe ya a hooker
who shags then cries rape
yeah u seem like the type
do anythin to get noticed, to raise a bit of hype

To b fair flex a dont reely know wot ya about
perhaps thats on purpose, but either way am out
rite bk soon flex, c ya around!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Jan, 2005 01:50 pm
Psych that **** was horrible
do I look like a whore to you?
equip a stick shift in this bitch cuz I'm steady floorin you
knifin up your moms, pops, sister and her daughter too
You nice psych PSYCH, bitch I'mma pull the cord on you

I'm like the new kid in the class
grippina dildo made of glass
Im on some freaky **** I'll
tear a new hole in ya ass

Its the kid from Konflict, on the fuqin forum atlast
You suck Psych, you should just quit rappin dawg you trash

You lost nigga, you searchin for the map in the dash
and you my ho, my rhymes bitchslappin ya ass

Get the **** outta here boy -lol-
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Jan, 2005 02:03 pm
jesus a feel like ma last rap was a bit weak
a fkn deserve to get dissed into next week
am the 1st to own up wen a aint gave 100 percent
ma idles eminem, but ma lines were more 50 cent
any1 who has a pop has the right to, feel free
al diss masel, from masel to me
a dnt mind, its the kinda thing a do
a had to come bk fast, ma last rap blew!
am a psycho
am here 2 destroy, like a cyclone
if a have to commit verbal suicide a will, but a might not tho
who knows
cos a dont
any1 got any suggestions
thats an opener to diss me, or ask some real attackin questions
a dont care
a know wot am getin masel into u, am quite rare
noone else has had the balls to diss themselves on here, u wouldn't dare
too risky u may think
well not I
a admit wen ma lines stink
but al still have another try
am diggin a hole
news flash! it was already dug
am just another cock who fell in, slipped on the mud
guess wot tho?!
am the last in but 1st out
a fckd ma lungs on the way down
did an einstein on a ded guy there nd used his mouth
a did such a good job, a made him shout
so laud, the whole town were wonderin wot the fk the fuss was about
anyway, a got help and am bak on level ground
a got bak and realised a was better off underground
wen a was down there, a new part of me was found
this new part, a probs allways had it, but never knew
now its here am even more invincible, it came right on quew
a can now do things a never thought a cud do
false or true
true or false
u can question it if ya want
a cudn't care less, now a never say 'cant'
am dragging on now so ama call it quits
a feel better now, ma last rap was so bad, u cudn't even call it ****!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Jan, 2005 02:05 pm
nice1 flex, like a sed a deserved that, nice lines! so r u a girl or not
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Jan, 2005 02:06 pm
nice1 flex, like a sed a deserved that, nice lines! so r u a girl or not
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Jan, 2005 02:08 pm
****! a wrote that last message twice, agen diss me if ya like
0 Replies

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