kris thomas
Reply Tue 4 Jan, 2005 03:44 pm
yo flex, dont bring me in tha rap unless i start with you.
Cos i'll make u choke so much u wont know what to do!
So **** you too Flex
your a scum mutha fu*kin Dislex!
i got my car modified with Apex!
Your **** i bury you in my latex!
yo, i got **** i can spit on yo clit cos u **** ur havin a fit, your so fuckin smelly u can't taste it!
yo mother fu*ker you wanna mess with me,
number one Emcee, U got nothing against me cos u aint got **** to say,
your a fuckin faggit i hope u be on ur way
At the end of this day
just hope n pray
IT's your arse i'll own n sleigh!
**** you man this is freestyle
I can rap faster then a speedial!
Break you over the head with a kitchen tile!
Sup man stop sulkin
you've had too many kfc u start bulkin
don't **** with me unless u got the right lyrics!
cos that rap u did earlier put me in histerics!
Yo my life style is a plumber!
I'm 17 i'm so loaded i could buy a h2 Hummer!
So **** if you know stuff about me!
**** u rot in hell n die from HIV
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Jan, 2005 05:02 pm
kris u woz ment to say bummer
instead of plumber
u aint a hummer
u dont even have a mumma
coz ur familys fucked up
so run be4 i **** u up
yo flex wassup
i got ya back
instead of this saggy ball sack
fingers his own arse crack
ur dad left u coz he woz on crack
so u live with ya granny
even shes gonna die soon
so u might aswell kill ya self
save us doing it 4 u
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Jan, 2005 05:50 pm mush
a hummers a car
u cant b a hummer u fagg
ya the biggist arse on this site by far
dont diss some1 who spits better lines than urself
anylise some of ya previous raps, man they're a mess
y dnt u b the 1 to commit suicide
u probs attemted it but were too retarted 2 succed the 1st 3 times ya tried
have another go I
go on bitch! die
take ya sorry self and ur lines off this site
Bye Bye
thats right, u aint wanted, all u have here is foes
u may make a friend in flex but thats cos both ya lyrics r no go zones
a didn't hear any agrresion in wot u sed
av heard more meaning from a skeloton long ded
jumps out his grave just to beat u down, his names fred
hes 30 years deceast but still has more street cred
by the time ur finish a verse u'v grown a beard
we all think ur a joke man, ur lines aint fiered
y dnt u go get yasel a beer
'stead of wastin ur time on here
bend over and let ur daddy take u from the rear
u know thats wot u'd rather b doin
dnt waste ya time gettin beat wen u cud b screwin
it dont matter if ya like ur own dad
its up 2 u man
wotever drives u mad
u go 4 it
and dnt look bak
...wot a fag
thinkin ur a rapper with a name like mush
is that cos u get beat down too much
u keep gettin crushed
u actually thought u cud win a battle but u just get bust
spkn of bust
have u found trust
in a lady friend that lets u feel her up?, thought not, u still payin 2 get fukd
shame ya dad dnt let u off with the charge
u'd think he'd give ya it 4 free, his penis all large
right up ur arse
in and out so hard
u 4got to scream the word 'STOP'!
ur fkd up worse than wen the chinease got sars.
look at ur stars, wot does it read
'uranus is fed up, its startin to bleed'
mmm guess every1 has it 4 mush
come bak with more crap if ya must
but to tell ya the truth, psych aint fussed!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Jan, 2005 06:45 pm
Yo Mush,
yo granny gave me thrush!
Don't talk about kris's granny like that she already died!
IT's your ass whats gettin deleted when kris reads that n fry's
your arse is gonna get banned from the site.
N then no more will Mushy be able to fite!
A Hummers a car really expensive
Why u got ur guard up cos ya all defensive!
N he aint a Bumma
Thats **** u just do just for Funnah!
Your families fu*ked up
Cos they alwys go to church n all looked up
thinkin there is a god, well i'm your god!
I smash you over your face with a fu*kin I-pod!
What your suckin up to flex holdin his hand
Next minute ur cock will be rite down his Glanse!
you hold his ball sack when he pisses!
N u keep cryin why don't i get kisses!
Because i stole your Mrs!
I'm on Crack mother fu*ker n i'm proud!
come on arrest me fool i'm shoutin out loud!
I think i care if you know i'm on crack
It keeps me cool it keeps me on my tracks!
so mother Fuc*a you might as well kill yoself!
Because your life is fuc*ed up n it needs yohelp!
Don't bother Cryin to the Editors to not delete you
Because kris didn't even rap back just to defeat u!
0 Replies
P-unit Special-J
Reply Tue 4 Jan, 2005 07:22 pm
yo mush
man your mom kept screamin push push
and she got a nice tush
man i stuck it upthat hairy bush
man kris thomas
man you suck you could get beat by lammas
and your going to get beat thats a promias
and man all you knew noobies
go back to suckin on your moms boobies
and man why you guys so beckerash
man eat you all like leckerish
and heres what i am go ahead try to make fun of it
i am irish yah i am a drunk
man but my raps are steady like a buddish munk
man you guys are just straight up punk
man i am hispanic
leave your ass in a panic
you will sink like the titanic
man i also have relitives from paleistein
man make you all look like your nine
and of course i am white
man but my raps are tight
and last but not least i am indian you know crow
man here my dick now you can blow
man here a lawn cutter mow
and also i am inca
man i got you on the brinca
so go back to kids movies tinka
man sb you say you make cds but they dont sell
man i can tell
and psych
man your a dike
man and make a rap every 1 can like
man but ur good sych

welcome back cthug i know were you live u live like 30 min from me so watch what you say and you cant say nothin about the P.L.O. i am palesteinien and we are fallin apart cuz yassir arafat is dead so dont even talk nucka
0 Replies
P-unit Special-J
Reply Tue 4 Jan, 2005 07:49 pm
man grey hound
man watch you try to get your tail runnin around
i am here to take you and c dogg to the pound
man and atleast sum 1 has a ball sack
man that sumthin you lack
man and when your gettin nubbed you slack
man you dont smoke crack just a pack
and that because i am packen a mac
man look at your small nasty paws
man you cant use those cuz you chained downed by the laws
man go back to racen
man cuz me rappen got you freaked out pacen
man i am like a animal necromancer
given your smelly ass cancer
or maybe i should just say druid
man or just a vet given you the sleep fluid
man you look like a prick
man and atleast some1 got a dick
man whats this i see a tick
so man now in a cage
man tryin to get out all in rage
man i am the sage
man if you could give me a page
cuz this the p-unit age
and cthug
man you got a bug
man your brain dead like a slug
now i am pullin the plug
man so you were gone tryin to get some sucky
tryin to get lucky
but you couldnt get some with a redneck in kentucky
man just go back to the other state
go finish your corn on a plate
man i will admitted your good but i dont think any 1 want to relate
i anet tryin to get diss you cuz we brothas from balitmore
man i anet wanna fight with you no more
man cuz i will admit your hardcore
man straight down to the pore
and yes we recruiten for p-unit
man so dont try to ruinit
man you almost just blewnit
so take these peace treaties
and go get ready to rap and eat some wheaties

pa pa pa p-unit
0 Replies
P-unit Special-J
Reply Tue 4 Jan, 2005 08:19 pm
also flex man do you play mohaa or cod or any of that cuz that names familiar
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Jan, 2005 10:18 pm
p-unit, lovely to see how you seem to like 'man'
you say it enough to wear the word out, damn
i mean, yo must've said it over 50 times
& dude that was only in yo last 2 rhymes
it must be hard on you though, being closet gay
wouldn't it be better to be out in the open, out on display?

fair does, i don't have a problem with yo private sexual-itee
it don't matter who you like, i mean just take a look at me
if i like 'em i'll fuk 'em, whatever they gender
see i'm neither straight nor a bender
anyways, that's beside the point, i said what i wanted to say
so ama sign off now & be on my way

but just one more thing i think you might wanna know
i saw your momma last night & she made me choke!
i never expected her to ram her massive penis down my throat
but since it was there i thought i'd give it a blow
& one thing she said, & this i quote
''ooh amy, it's a good thing you can give deep throat''
......sorry man, i can't help but gloat
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Jan, 2005 11:10 pm
Awe whats wrong Kris you hatin my guts? Just because you
use lotion, you strokin, masturbatin ta bust?
My rhymes filthy motha fucka so they leakin wit pus
And Imma jack you for that hummer too you MADE for the bus
Kris be real, you know you dont want it wit us
You still, hide from ya parents to cuss...

Ya raps trash they disposable nigga
Now Imma dispose of you niggas
Pull an Ashanti, concrete rosin you niggas
Keep talkin Imma break the nose of you niggas

Kris dawg you DONT want it, you frail at the body
two mora make'em cry to his mommy, like
"ma Flex grip the techs and put bout twelve up inside me, and
Psych got hitup too, now he hooked up to a IV
ma them cats is GRIMEY and they trinna find me
They gon' slit my **** wit no regrets n'hide the body!"
You a fag, askin other dudes to cum on ya body
You stupid for attemptin ta try me.

Kliq Konflict
0 Replies
Reply Wed 5 Jan, 2005 12:04 am
P-unit_Special-J wrote:
also flex man do you play mohaa or cod or any of that cuz that names familiar

Nah, wrong Flex

psych wrote:
nice1 flex, like a sed a deserved that, nice lines! so r u a girl or not

Heh, thanks. Yeah Im a girl
0 Replies
Reply Wed 5 Jan, 2005 04:33 am
I dont need a piece for real, rob niggas with my fists
the watches that I stole dont fit they hangin off my wrists
My rhymes is dirty, as if I sipped a cup a piss
Cant believe the audacity of this little nigga Kris

You spittin bars of soap, nigga they all clean n' ****
The bars I spit make you go "ohh" and start ta lean n' ****
Ya moms dont like me, she was like "Damn, thats a mean lil bitch"
Cuz I spit lyrics thats OBSCENE lil bitch
Nolonger Kris you now Kristine lil bitch
So now Im strappin on a dildo,
go get the vasiline lil bitch
You getting raped know what I mean lil bitch?

You string bean lookin bitch lol...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 5 Jan, 2005 06:28 am
hey flex!
am the only 1 who realised ur a female, that must suck a bet
never mind tho
ur gender was established by the psycho
now yal stop gettin called 'he'
all those lyrics, they came from a she
btw, dnt collaberate with mush, hes a puss, he uses fake tan
hes about as bent as special j and is obsesion with the word 'man'
god a was creased readin that
a thought he was takin the piss at 1st, it was soo wak
'man i'm special j'
'man a cant rap, not today'
'man this is ma clan'
'p unit, maybe the other members hav more vocab than i have
y dnt u bury urself in a dictionery
buy yasel a 1 way ticket on a pedo-filled ferry
and on the trip
get yasel a thesaurus too, there a couple a quid a think
take mush with ya, hes startin to sink
hes alredy sunk, he aint in tact
kris beat the **** outta that tart, and that is a fact!
right am outtie
dont bother replien mush, u either special j
a cant b arsed with ya **** no more, no way!
that dnt mean to say
that a wont kick ya arse again
cos a will, any day
take ya sorry asses away, ok!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 5 Jan, 2005 01:19 pm
ok the thing bout the hummer
i forgot the GOT
u say i gonna get deleted from this site
i dont care coz ur raps r shite
all pussy niggas typing your raps with no beat
that aint hard to beat
u wasting ur time on this able2know
u been doing this for years now n wot u got 4 show
but **** it i dont even need a beat
with the **** so gd u cant compete
so sit back and take a seat
and watch me work magic with these words
the rapping david blaine
psych ur a ******* disgrace
******* stamped on your face
and dint leave a trace
of evidance
im the most wanted
all yous ganging up on me like im
asama bin mush
quick flex go get bush
and who told ya i wear fake tan
i wondered y i was getting chased by the ku klux klan
**** it delete me
its only coz u cant beat me
0 Replies
Reply Wed 5 Jan, 2005 02:21 pm
i dnt know if ya wear fake tan, its a figgure of speech
to show how much of a spinelss tart u can b
wtf u tryin to proove
u keep rappin back, wot 4 wen u just loose?
aint ya fed up with the abuse
a suppose we cud throw ya off a bridge with ur neck in a noose
that wudn't b ur choice tho, we wouldn't let u refuse
or we cud repeatedly stabb u till blood starts to ooz
no need
the words against ya that u'v recieved
surely musta bn enuff now to make ya bleed
ur just a seed, ama tree
if u look up then u'll c me
ama rock, ur a stone
ur a cock with no bones
ama cocked shot gun , ur a plastic knife
ama shock the blood outta ur spastic life
ama man, ur a boy
who just lost all his toys
cos psych just took em off ya and sent u into termoil!
0 Replies
kris thomas
Reply Wed 5 Jan, 2005 07:44 pm
Yo Flex you must be the first girl on this site!
N your one of the toughies alwayas wantin a fite!
Listen you earned ma respect.
Cos i don't battle girls cos it's got no respect!
Listen Gal now that ur we no ya a gal we'll be knowin!
We wanna hear your **** that you'd be showin!
Flex you beat my in one of our battles fair n sqaure!
Me u psych n a-grave should join as a team as fear!
Listen Gal, Don't Abuse this Rap
Cos it's my respect so don't go thru with a tap.

i'm oudda here speak soon Flex!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 5 Jan, 2005 11:47 pm
I be pumping some bullets
into your head
full of lead
and you drop dead

I be killin'
you be chillin'
on the ground with the worms
are those acceptable terms?

Hey! I kinda like this stuff. That was my first effort.

Where do I sign up?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Jan, 2005 01:14 am
This aint to nobody its just a freestyle..

The sad part, is I aint even rhymin for real
and I aint even trinna grind onna deal-n yall
some dumb ass niggas, yall all unconcious minded for real
I lost my mind, you betta find it or deal, I'm
from the Eastside, boys, we dont just scrap niggas we kill
You Lil Jon wit ya mouth fulla steal one
of the hardest for real, make
lesbos outta daughters for real
Konflict is quick ta kill a nigga fa bills
N like I said,
Flex one of the hardest from Konflict
N' STILL on the block kid regaurdless
Im heartless.

And it's like, hokus pokus, you niggas is bogus
cock the steel n' aim nigga Im focus an
you know this..
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Jan, 2005 03:37 am
doctor doctor
im fellin ya rhymes
but all ur shite and not worth a dime
imma p.i.m.p
u no u it b
imma fuk u ova like a killing spree
smack u down
try get up
pull u up u no u cut
u no u gone
imma muthfukn ho
on a fukn pyshco
im in a rage
u cant stop me fuk
wheres the stage
u no u ripped
ur so shi.t even shi.t wood say ur shi.t
and **** is fukn ****
but get bak 2 the picture
imma real hard nigga wiv a thing
for figures
and those lasies with class
imma 1st place
u come in last
im 2 fast
im like sonic
on acid
even u cant feel me ur placid
ur words dont hurt
there like a choke
u just a lame as man whos broke
so trys 2 rhyme on the fukn internet
man i serve u up in 2 sets
dial 911
this man smoked a blunt
and coffed up blood
he toke it so deep
people rose 2 there feet
and then stuck one 2 ya
ya girls wiv me she blew ya
u fat cats are like rnb singers
im so spicy im like a kfc zinger

the round hits 2 in que, ur just a pussy ass wigga
thru and thru
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Jan, 2005 11:55 am
lol WHAT THE f-u--c-k was that Buck Joe?
was that your ryme?

Buck Joe,.... you dont deserve my Time, i alread riped you.....

Let me elaborate on this issue.
Tracer rounds hitting your tissue
Rippin and tearin away at your soul.
When you hear this crew coming betta
Duck and Role
Cause we puttin Bitchs in holes
we dropin temperatures like
The North Pole
At-last we made it..
neva to be stopped
feelin free......Bustin Croocked ass cops
Now listen, this is where the fun stops
Me and my niggas dont take lightly to threats.
we be lightin cigerettes,
while taken out your cadets
One by one
my streets hold Military secrets
Stashed away, is my anti-aircraft Guns
we got the Money.. We got the Funds
Nigga like B.I.G ... im ready to Die
Next time you spit... betta not threaten or Imply
Cause ill take your ass out
And that aint no lie.
Im Gonna go sky High
when i ride by
Hit the Hydro
Empty clips on you hoes
Yes im spitin on Able 2 know
And yes im able 2 fLOW
to THA rOW.
Throw your set up! , who you Be with????
To me, P-unit is a exagerated Myth.
Nigga are you stupid?
Showin up... thinking you gonna show me up?.....
talkin **** will get you stuck up....
Shut the F-u-c-k up
I aint playin your Pweny Unit games
You aint .Fifty and you aint .Tha-GaME
Lame ass

P.L.O bitch

I can back my **** up with evidence ... can you?

Bitch ass mimics...... you aint neva heard a nigga like me... **** yall...... real B-more NIgga Here^
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Jan, 2005 08:39 pm
Yo, stop the presses, gunna lay down some REAL rap!

yo, you suck d!ck
i guess you not quick
this is the big boys house
go get in your little blouse
you little b!tch ass fu!k
i'm gunna go up-chuck
because you jus made me sick
from your horrible rhymes, you prick
go back to yo b!tches and hos
and your fu*kin dimwit pshycos
you the biggest disaster since 9/11,
God even rejected you from heaven,

you cant be forgiven,
for the crime you did,
you think you mr. big
but your wrong, dig?
you suck, u cant rhyme
u fu*kin up every time
u pose for the crowd, reject
we know your sh!t, were correct
i'm surprised, i thought you could do better
i dont think hes hearin me, send him a letter
listen to me, you might learn a thing or two
LEARN TO RAP! mabye that'll get through
because with the sh!t you busted
you've got the whole crowd digusted
after that dispicable display
i'm in increndible dismay
i'm confused at how much u suck
how u got up against me, prolly luck

ur a fake
i've seen dildos more real than you,
when you rap, the crowd yells boo,
yo, real rapper right here comin through,
u say ur from the gutters, the streets, the ghetto
but do you know what its really like? no,
u go out on the streets, u get fried,
eggs on ur little sandwhich that ur mommy made yah,
you say you the toughest gangsta around, hah!
ur a poser, a punk, a little nerd,
a nicely wrapped up little turd
in a baggy like ur daddy picks up from ur dog
a Shitzou, u rich little fu*k
u run into a fight, u hide, u duck,

so this is what it all comes down to,
an expert tearin into someone whos new
like a hieenna who only knows how to chew
ur done, no chance, no refund, b!tch
i can see ur developing a nervous twitch
you know ur over, done for good
you know u lost, you know u would
ur facin me
the greatest mc
the greatest mc ever to be
think twice before u ever go up against me
after this assault anyone could agree,
your the greatest pussy ever to be.

yo, i'm done, go ahead try
try and fuk me up, go ahead, pry
remember, dont slip up
but you will anyway
0 Replies

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