Yo peeps beta. Chill now listen
Note: comprehend every content of my verse.
Listen up ...quit rap n kip writing love letters to yo bitch MANDY
They call yu legend well am da legend killer like RANDY
Yo breath smells worse dan a bitchz pussy stains on her PANTY
Am a dangerous game to play like JUMANJI
I swear I wud if I cud just murder you for MONEY
But yo soul aint worth **** the price da devil cud pay 4 it is less than a PENY
**** with me again and ama rip your heart outta yo CHEST n freestyle on da beat it MAKES
I devour babyz in SETS cz me n my clique are a bunch of SNAKES
Better call it TRUCE...
And giv me JUICE...
Cz I myt just bruise you with my fly kicks lyk BRUCE (bruce lee)
Resurrect yo ******* ancestors n giv there skeletonic hairy balls some SHAVES
I dnt giv a **** bout yo feelings murder yo whole clique n piss on there GRAVES
yu just flipped da switch now watch how da monster BEHAVES
Am breathing fire lyk I took a vacation in HELL
I was layin low lyk a turtle in a SHELL
Till yu intruded now its da devil yu hv to face nd UNVAIL
Yu a hideous Ma'****** like a bony bitch with sickle CELL
Ama send demons to yo house nd dance to yo sreams as yo dick shrinks n yo ball SWELL
See not even da DEVIL is my rival RIVAL
My punchlines hit yu harder dan an AK47 RIFFLE
Call me CEEJAY LIL CRANKY da devil is my DESCIPLE
So wen am on da cypher hold on to yo BIBLE
i go hard lyk viagra ERECTION
Yu weak lyk an old mans dick after an early EJACULATION//
Yu think yu a rapper some bogus SPECULATION
Am deadly lyk a cancer no cure or PROTECTION
Am growing all over yo galz head (brain) like a TUMOUR
I fill her pussy up with my cum lyk a car fuel tank at PUMA//
I spit dirty lyk a hospital sewer LINE
Dis Henry kid gat beef well am ready to WINE n DINE
Burp n GRIN
Cranky am a victory PARAGON
Bars hard enaf to knock down the PENTAGON
Am da Devils prefix call me a ******* DRAGON
Am flier dan a G5 JET
My swagger get yo gals pussy nile river WET
Yu aint a rapper yu just a flea on a PET
Now undy underwear has gon balls OUT
You as dry as yo bitchs pussy coz her cervix gat a DROUGHT