@cicerone imposter,
I dearly love Yosemite, but I haven't been there for many years now.
First love was one of the early climbers of El Capitan. I still have the book he gave me on Yosemite, and the wood carving he made for me of El Capitan, with a poem penciled on a removable page.
Later I went with girlfriends to ski and hike there (I am a terrible skier).
Later I went with another friend as she had not seen it.
Later I went with a guy I was crazy about and he thought I needed to get in better shape (I didn't know it, but my balance was off even back then, no eye diagnoses yet). Hard to run or leap downslope on boulders...
On the other hand, it still was a great trip, including later in San Francisco.
I question going in August, but having not been there, at least for years, at that time, I don't know that I'm right.
You'll be in a group, right?