How can he be the most consistently liberal voter, and a flip-flopper? The two just don't go together.
This is the part that really gets my goat, tho:
Quote:Voted against major tax relief packages at least 10 times.
Voted at least 5 times against balance budget amendments.
Kerry voted at least five times to raid The Social Security Trust Fund.
You don't know anything about those votes. There are a lot of reasons for voting for/against a bill, whether it is fiscally untenable for the country, or there are crazy riders added on, or if the part you are listing was a rider to a LARGER bill. I remember several of those 'balanced-budget' amendments, and some of them were just plain retarded, others were Voodoo economics amendments. But, it sure makes him look bad to list it in this fashion, doesn't it?
This is called: Manipulating statistics to make someone look bad. I know that
you didn't make the list; can you please post your links?