Sofia wrote:
So, the logic of your statement here would be that no country has ever been attacked, who isn't already attacking some other country. No nation has ever been unfairly attacked? This is quite naive.
Exactly, Sophie, we have recently attacked a nation unfairly. I'm so glad you recognize this.
I don't believe that this Republican government was worried about safety or security when it mattered... at the time that they took over from the Clinton adminstration, so I scoff at this Johnny-come-lately attitude. Your pants were down in 2001, you don't have to go back to WWI to find that.
Who's pants were down? If Clinton could have kept his up, he may have dealt with Bin Laden--but this needn't be a partisan exercise in stupidity. Its not about Bush, Democrats, Clinton or Republicans. We could discuss it without all the partisan trappings--how about just national defense and healthcare--without all the fireworks?
The question is, was W told of Usama? THe answer is yes. Was W. worried about Usama bin Laden? Not until the planes ran into those buildings.
But if you want to get back to national defense (DEFENSE... not OFFENSE) How much do you think we spend on our military? It's over 340 BILLION dollars. Could some of that be spent on national health care? Yes or no. If we were all healthy, we'd be much better at defending ourselves.
Quote:We wouldn't have them to deploy anywhere, without a strong national defense.
Sophie -- Our National Guard has been deployed by your hero.
Quote:Incredible. Did you see the Russians trying to take care of that hostage crisis? Do you know the training for those men that Russia can afford? Ask any other country in the world if we are economically depressed, or if we are the richest country in the world. This kind of statement chills my bones. You forget how fortunate we are--how our poorest people have 2 TVs and a DVD and a cell. Yes, in short, we could be MUCH worse off.
And we are certainly MUCH worse off than we were four years ago.
Quote:No sensible person can think this country is on the skids. Africa is on the skids. You're poor-mouthing about the richest country on earth.
We are not the richest country on earth. We borrow the most and we use the most. There are very, very wealthy people who live here, but the fact is the difference between their lives and the lives of everyone else grows further and further apart. Every economic indicator shows that we have lost ground during the last four years except for the pocket books of the very wealthiest Americans. The stock market is down, there are fewer jobs, the average wage is down, the costs of goods is up. Where do you see something good in this? I repeat, we are on the skids and headed down. And the sad thing is... the wealthy people who are Republicans don't give a damn. They've got it... and screw everyone else.
A malpracticing doctor should and will be stopped. Awarding someone 50 million dollars is why we are in such a fix with healthcare. Sue him--but put a sane cap on it. The other countries that provide healthcare are in deep economic trouble. It is a drain on a country's resources that cannot be borne for long. There is a smarter, better way.
I don't care about having a cap on lawsuits but I repeat, that is NOT what is making our health costs rise. What is making our health costs rise is all the new and different treatments... all the new and remarkable advances in medicine, in diagnosis machines and all the new and varied health-care staff who want and get a high-level wage.
Quote:I never advocated getting rid of malpractice law. I advocated putting some reasonable cap on how much lawyers and their clients can get. It DOES NOT take more trained people to provide adequate care.
Nobody wants "adequate" care. Everybody wants great care and that does take more trained people who are specialized for various jobs.
Quote:Research does cost money--but my lab work shouldn't cost $400., my doctor (for the same visit $50, in office and $$500 at the emergency room, and a few slides of my chest $1000. This is wrong. These are not legitimate costs--they've been inflated[/color].
<shrug> Those costs are high, but you can't blame it all on lawsuits and lawyers. Everything in our economy has been inflated except for regular people's wages. Those have flattened or dropped.
If we can pay 200,000 guys to fight in the Mideast and pay for all their transportation costs, state-of-the-art communications and equipment, medical care, war machines, salaries and training, insurance and death benefits, then why is this same government totally unable to train and hire 200,000 people to work as health professionals?