Dear Padalphabetguy-
Much has been made of my sex part of late. You aren't the first one to question my identity.
I'm a serious political groupie, and admittedly speak rather pointedly (is that man-like?) I'm not into group-sponsered Feminism--though I will screech about Equal Rights (not so woman-like?) I guess I'm not very socially gifted (a man trait?) I guess most women vote on the (male) candidates' looks or personality, rather than his positions on the issues (so, I don't fit with the women, there, either...) I am not pro-abortion (definitely not in line with most women on that)... Studies say that most women aren't aggressive, and so in debate, I'm definitely not falling into 'women's' patterns....I don't believe in special laws for women, blacks, gays, ... I think one law fits all--(most women tend to disagree.)
Of course, I'm not the only woman here who has her own mind, and confidence in her opinions. Just maybe the only one who is Conservative. If these things make me seem like I can't be a woman... then I guess, in the words of Jenny, Garp's mother, I'll always be a 'sexual suspect'.
Not a bad trade off for pure representation of my opinions.