Piffka wrote:
The Republicans here don't seem to realize that people like me think that George Bush and Company are fascists. They are, in their evil, spoiled and greedy ways, increasing the dangers to us in this world from the disenfranchised. The fact that we have to enforce our "rights" with the world's largest standing army MIGHT be a clue to anybody who thinks.
We don't have the world's largest standing army: perhaps the best, but far from the largest.
I think you would have a difficult time demonstrating that the dangers we face come from the most disenfranchised people in the world. You are making a broad assumption, contrary to the facts, and imagining the cause.
Perhaps some of "the Republicans here" do have a general idea of your opinions of the administration, but just don't care or believe your views - such as those above - are sound enough to be worth considering seriously.
Quote: Truly, living in an armed camp because we've got all the goodies is no way to live.
And yet people from all over the world are making often desperate efforts to come here to live.