george, The unfortunate thing about the US being the strongest economy and military is the fact that it's being wasted by GWBush. c.i.
Why is it that every time one hears anything about European countries being against our overtures of making war they are motivated by envy? I am reading the international press and I don't see as much anti-Americanism as anti-Bush and his chicken hawk cronies. Sounds like what we're hearing from at least half the media here and a unilateral invasion of Iraq is not doing well in our public opinion. I suggest if we rest on our laurels and display just a modicum of humbleness about what we've achieved, the rest of the world would find a lot more to respect in Americans. This adminstration has a serious public and international relations dilemma and any hard selling of our ideology is still going over like a fart in a spacesuit.
LW, you may want to peek in on What its like to live in Russia thread. New member in Russia, docent, explains why anti-Americanism exists in Russia. Severely pre-dates Bush.
Osama and Saddam pre-date Bush.
Extremist muslims pre-date Bush.
AntiAmericanism in Europe pre-dates Bush.
Everyone's just getting much louder about it.
LW, The problem still exists where many people in Europe and the Middle East sees our government support of Israel as a non-support for the Palestinians and Arabs/Muslims in general. They are angry that our administration and congress continue to voice their support for Israel, and does nothing to broker a peace process. c.i.
Does anyone remember that marvelous Randy Newman song?: Let's Drop the Big One (I think that's what it's called)
It starts like this:
No one likes us
I don't know why
We may not be perfect
but heaven knows we try.
But all around
even our old friends put us down.
Let's drop the big one & see what happens ..
And goes on to name all the countries the US could drop the big one on & why ... Very funny.
Thanks a mil.
Best laugh I've had today.
Now, a desperate search for a recording...
Just received the following from Australia.
"How can the "Coalition of the Willing" maintain its willingness, its steadfastness, and the morale of its troops when the truth of the matter is in real doubt? The Washington Post today reports that the White House lied about some of their "evidence". This is beginning to look like Vietnam all over again, folks.
Conservative fools note: Little lies can undermine the entire credibility of superpowers, no matter how worthy the cause. And there is no greater traitor than the leader who abuses the trust of his people."
Just remembered some more of the Randy Newman song:
Asia's crowded & Europe's too old.
Africa is far too hot
& Canada's too cold.
And Sth America stole our name.
Let's drop the big one,
there'll be no one left to blame us ..
We'll save Australia.
Don't wanna hurt no kangaroo.
We'll build an all American amusement park there.
They got surfin' too!
Boom goes London!
Boom Paree!
More room for you
& more room for me.
And every city, the whole world round
will just be another American town.
Oh how peaceful it could be.
We'll set everbody free.
You'll wear Japenese kimonas, baby.
Italian shoes for me!
They all hate us anyhow,
so let's drop the big one now.
Let's drop the big one now!
"Conservative fools," c.i.?
A little over the top, donchathink?
A lie by the administration about evidence in Iraq. You'd think the news would be permeated with this.
A link, please?
Thanks, msolga.
Even more glad he spared Australia.
The front page of today's Washington Post: US Claim on Iraq Nuclear Program Is Called Into Question. Joby Warrick, Washington Post Staff Writer.
Eve Of Destruction
The Eastern World, it is explodin'!
Violence flarin'! Bullets loadin'!
Yer old enough to kill, but not for votin'!
Ya don't believe in war,
But what's that gun yer totin'?
And even the Jordan River has ...
Bodies floatin'!
But ya ...
Tell me ...
Over and over and over again, My Friend, ...
Ah! Ya don't believe we're on the Eve Of Destruction?
Don't ya understand what I'm tryin' to say?
And, can't ya feel the fears I'm feelin' today?
If The Button is pushed, there's no runnin' away!
There'll be no one to save with the world in a grave!
Take a look around ya, Boy!
It's bound to scare ya, Boy!
And ya ...
Tell me ...
Over and over and over again, My Friend,
Ah! Ya don't believe we're on the Eve Of Destruction!
Yeh, my blood's so mad, feels like coagulatin'!
I'm sittin' here, just con ... tem ... platin'.
I can't twist the truth, it knows no regulation.
Handsful of Senators don't pass legislation!
And, marches alone can't bring integration,
When human respect is disintegratin'.
This whole crazy world is just too frustratin'!
And ya ...
Tell me ...
Over and over and over again, My Friend,
Ah! Ya don't believe we're on the Eve Of Destruction!
Think of all the hate there is in Red China!
Then take a look around to Selma, Alabama!
Ah, you may leave here, for four days in space,
But when you return, it's the same old place:
The poundin' of the drums, the pride and disgrace!
You can bury your dead, but don't leave a trace!
Hate your next-door-neighbor ...
But don't forget to say grace!
And, tell me ...
Over and over and over and over again, My Friend,
Ya don't believe we're on the Eve Of Destruction?
Hmm ... no, no ...
Ya don't believe we're on the Eve Of Destruction!
~ written by P.F. Sloan, 1964;
Anyone putting their undoubting faith in any leadership is a fool. You will ultimately be dissapointed, but the real fool will rationalize how seriously the leaders they worshipped have failed them. Without much exception, leaders all stand on pedestals made of silly putty and wobble a lot.
LW, They wobble alot, especially in their voices....

The radical anti-Americanism (which is really anti-American government) is always going to exist in foreign countries (it also exists here in the form of blowing up government buildings).
To characterize all the rest of the world who are being vocal about our government's courses of action as being radicals is stretching the truth beyond belief.
(Sniff) Those who bandy about the word 'fool' best not whine when similar words are presented to them.
'Conservative fools' invites the type of flaming you so piously condemn.
And dys is singing Eve of Destruction...
Somebody get the reefer and tie-dye...
Looked back to see who did this.
To characterize all the rest of the world who are being vocal about our government's courses of action as being radicals is stretching the truth beyond belief.
Didn't find it.
Will look at link now.
If anyone is not volunteering as the "conservative fool," careful that everyone else doesn't take one step backward.
Somebody smokin' reefer and tie-dyin' in here?
The wobblies are the newest craze in collecting...the ones that stand there and their heads wobble.
Remember Reefer Madness? Life was simpler then.