Ok, let me give a view point from someone who comes from a region where Anti-American feelings run pretty high (well, atleast in certain sections).
For a long long time, the US has been seen pushing its own agenda, irrespective of the consequences it might have on local economies/political situations. The first and foremost thought of any US administration has been "what is there in it for us", even though the policy itself has been cloaked in "we will make the world a better place". It has used all its economic and military muscle to push its agenda, irrespective of how many countries are steamrolled under its relentless march.
People have slowly realized this fact - as the world turns more global, awareness is on the rise, and this has given a big boost to the "anti-american" feelings in countries which think, rightly or wrongly, that they have been on the receiving end of the the big american stick - even though it had been cloaked in sugar.
Other countries don't do that - have never heard of Switzerland or Canada or Italy do this - at least not to this scale. And hence no "anti canadian, anti swiss feelings around"
But it is not limited to the US. The former USSR followed similar tactics in the countries it used to influence. You will be surprised by the "anti russian" feelings in the former iron curtain countries.
Sorry, even to me, this is very simplistic and cliched explanation - but then it is my opinion....
And my apologies in advance if I have offended anyone in any way - this has never been my intention !