Terry wrote:Despite the strong beliefs of some people here, a fertilized egg is not a baby, nor is it a child. It may have the potential to grow into a human being (most don't), but since it has no brain, no heart, no thoughts, no emotions, and no soul, it is not by any stretch of the imagination a human being. It has no more right to life than any of the hundreds of other eggs a woman carries, all of which are also potential human beings with unique assortments of DNA.
This position is no more justifiable than the position espoused by
KellyS and the right-to-lifers.
To say that the fertilized ovum is simply a cell is hardly a startling revelation, even to the pro-lifers. If that ended the discussion, however, there never would have been a discussion in the first place. One must recognize that, for the anti-abortionists, the fertilized ovum is a
special cell, since it is the only cell that has the chance to become a human (and thus it is different even from eggs and sperm, which, on their own, have no more chance of becoming a person than any other human cell).
Taking the position that the fertilized ovum is "just a cell," therefore, misses the point. Anti-abortionists believe that cell is a "potential person," and so it's in a different category from all the other cells. As long as pro-choicers take the position that "it's just a cell" there can be no meaningful dialogue.
Terry wrote:A fertilized egg is the property of the woman gestating it, and she is the only person who has any right to decide its fate. Why do some people make such a big deal about other people's eggs? If you are more concerned about the fate of mindless cells than the millions of children who are already straining the world's resources, gestate a few of your own and stop worrying about what I do with mine.
Sorry, this argument doesn't wash either. It's like those bumper stickers -- "Don't like abortion? Then don't have one!" The problem with this line of logic is that it's like saying "don't like murder? Then don't kill someone!" As long as anti-abortionists believe that abortion is murder, they are acting perfectly reasonably in opposing
anyone's abortion, just as those opposed to murder are perfectly reasonable in opposing any murder.
Terry wrote:You have no rights over my body and what I do with it. If I want to enjoy sex but am not willing to bear a child, you have no moral, legal, or ethical right to tell me what kind of contraception to use or forbid abortion as a backup if it fails. And all methods of contraception can fail: condoms have a 15% per year failure rate, pills can be forgotten, and hormones may be proscribed because of side effects.
You talk of rights? What rights? Do you think you are capable of doing anything you want, as long as it's "your body?"
Let me be blunt: the pro-choice camp will never get anywhere arguing that abortion
isn't the killing of a human, since that will simply lead to the two sides talking past each other. Rather, the pro-choice side must formulate some kind of argument that starts from the premise that the fertilized ovum
is a human, but that abortion is
still justified. I ask you, then,
Terry: is there a valid pro-choice argument for abortion even if
KellyS is right that the fertilized ovum is a human life?