Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?

Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 8 Sep, 2004 03:33 pm
I imagine someone has already observed this, but...

...why is it an either/or question.

I am firmly pro-choice...and I am firmly pro-life.

People who oppose abortion do not have a monopoly on being pro-life....and it has been my experience that many people who oppose abortion have no problem whatsoever with the taking of lives via capital punishment.

I personally think that a woman should have the final say over whether or not she wishes to continue hosting a fetus.
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Reply Wed 8 Sep, 2004 03:37 pm
Make sure they're born for God's sake....we need them for infantrymen later......
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Abu Ishaq Al Juwayri
Reply Wed 8 Sep, 2004 03:39 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:
I personally think that a woman should have the final say over whether or not she wishes to continue hosting a fetus.

there is a war against personal freedom being waged in many countries...many ask, "how can a government tell me what to do with my own body?"

yet, the government does this....

in america, there are illegal drugs....it is illegal to attempt suicide....etc..

i find it ironic that americas government will arrest you for smoking marijuana but condones women throwing away unborn babies....most for selfish reasons and the irresponsible nature of the 'mother'...
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Wed 8 Sep, 2004 03:47 pm
Abu Ishaq Al Juwayri wrote:

....it is illegal to attempt suicide...

Q: What's the punishment for suicide?

A: Life imprisonment.

Q: What's the punishment for attempted suicide?

A: Hanging.

In the U.S. suicide has never been treated as a crime nor punished by property forfeiture or ignominious burial. (Some states listed it on the books as a felony but imposed no penalty.)
Curiously, six states considered (till the 60's) attempted suicide a crime: North and South Dakota, Washington, New Jersey, Nevada, and Oklahoma.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 8 Sep, 2004 04:02 pm
Abu Ishaq Al Juwayri wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
I personally think that a woman should have the final say over whether or not she wishes to continue hosting a fetus.

there is a war against personal freedom being waged in many countries...many ask, "how can a government tell me what to do with my own body?"

yet, the government does this....

in america, there are illegal drugs....it is illegal to attempt suicide....etc..

i find it ironic that americas government will arrest you for smoking marijuana but condones women throwing away unborn babies....most for selfish reasons and the irresponsible nature of the 'mother'...

Describing the ordeal women go through after having made the difficult, heart-rending decision to terminate a pregnancy through abortion....as "throwing away unborn babies" is much, much, much more "selfish" and "irresponsible" than the accusations you hurled at these women.
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Abu Ishaq Al Juwayri
Reply Wed 8 Sep, 2004 04:06 pm
well....like they say, the truth hurts, don't it?
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Reply Wed 8 Sep, 2004 04:09 pm
Doesn't it Abu doesn't it....grammar....the key to good communication here in the USA.....
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Abu Ishaq Al Juwayri
Reply Wed 8 Sep, 2004 04:12 pm
i typed it that way on purpose...silly...

anyway, the one woman who commented in this thread about her 'abortion' admitted it revolved around selfish reasons...

she didn't think she would be a good mother....etc..

i'm not accussing women of anything that they're not doing..
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Reply Wed 8 Sep, 2004 04:37 pm

When you, as a male, masturbate....do you feel guilty about all those sperm cells that could've been humans ending up in your kleenex?
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Reply Wed 8 Sep, 2004 05:03 pm
Jer wrote:

When you, as a male, masturbate....do you feel guilty about all those sperm cells that could've been humans ending up in your kleenex?

Excellent point Jer. Reproductive cells (egg and sperm) are no more a human being than the chicken I ate for dinner tonight.

IMO...a zygote is not a human being/human baby until it is old enough to live independently from it's host (mother). A fetus is simply an extention of it's mother...a part of HER body that she should have control over just as she does the rest of her body.
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Abu Ishaq Al Juwayri
Reply Wed 8 Sep, 2004 05:04 pm
what makes you think i've ever masturbated??
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Reply Wed 8 Sep, 2004 05:18 pm
ALL men masterbate...LOL
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Reply Wed 8 Sep, 2004 05:19 pm
How about the ones that had their penises severed by crazed women with butcher knives, doglover?

You ever think of them?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Sep, 2004 06:03 pm
Abu Ishaq Al Juwayri wrote:

anyway, the one woman who commented in this thread about her 'abortion' admitted it revolved around selfish reasons...

she didn't think she would be a good mother....etc..

Abu, I meant that part of the decision to go through with an abortion were selfish. I also pointed out that it was selfLESS (in my opinion) in some ways to raise a child when I could not provide the emotional/physical/financial needs that baby will need to have a happy and stable life.
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Abu Ishaq Al Juwayri
Reply Wed 8 Sep, 2004 07:50 pm
mchol wrote:
Abu Ishaq Al Juwayri wrote:

anyway, the one woman who commented in this thread about her 'abortion' admitted it revolved around selfish reasons...

she didn't think she would be a good mother....etc..

Abu, I meant that part of the decision to go through with an abortion were selfish. I also pointed out that it was selfLESS (in my opinion) in some ways to raise a child when I could not provide the emotional/physical/financial needs that baby will need to have a happy and stable life.

i'm sure we all appreciate your feelings here and sharing this with all of us....this is a very difficult subject and i hope i haven't offended you too much...

allow me to make a few more statements based on your quote here...not necessarily directed at you because i'm sure millions of would-be mothers have the same reasons as you have xpressed here..

emotional - - - one might say that if you're not emotionally ready to be a mother you shouldn't be having sex....

physical - - - depending on what you mean by physical, this seems more of a selfish excuse....

financial - - - many have family that are more than willing to 'help out'....giving a baby up for adoption is another alternative....of course the government offers many assistance programs as well...

you say you couldn't guarantee the baby a 'happy' life....so.....you choose no life at all....that just doesn't seem logical to me...

again, i hope you can forgive my lack of class here....
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Reply Wed 8 Sep, 2004 08:07 pm

How are things in Baghdad, CA these days? Amazing how your English has improved since we found out you're in California.
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Reply Wed 8 Sep, 2004 08:30 pm
gustavratzenhofer wrote:
How about the ones that had their penises severed by crazed women with butcher knives, doglover?

You ever think of them?

LOL gus...In light of your post gus, I will have to post the picture I have of me holding a huge play knife to my husband's throat!

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Reply Wed 8 Sep, 2004 09:23 pm
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Sofia wrote:
Partial birth abortion= legalized murder.
Capital punishment= legalized murder.

Murder is the act of killing another human being with "malice aforethought".
Malice aforethought is defined to be the intent to kill or to inflict bodily injury, either express or implied.

Legal, established by or founded upon law or official or accepted rules.

Murder is illegal in almost every society and actually can't ever be legal qua definitionem.

Asherman wrote:
Now as to how the law would regard abortion. Until recent times abortion was a separate crime, and was not regarded as homicide. The reason is that in the Common Law one doesn't become "human" in a legal sense until after birth. Hence, the corpus delicti for homicide didn't exist. The progress of medical science and evolving public sentiment has in recent times cause a re-evaluation of what when a fetus becomes legally "human". The standard when I was in law school was that the fetus had to be viable outside the womb to be legally "human". That was a fairly clear distinction and for many years it served well. However, now significant numbers of the public demand "legal" status for embryos virtually from the time the sperm impregnates the egg. Pandora's Box is open, and we will have controversy into the indefinite future.

If the abortion, at whatever stage, is sanctioned by law, then no murder has taken place whether the embryo/fetus is "human", or not. Even if we accept the impregnated egg as "human", the abortion is no more than sanctioned homicide. Since the Supreme Court has sanctioned abortion laws, no abortion carried out within the constraints of a jurisdiction's abortion law is murder. That could change. If the Supreme Court reversed itself and adopted different legal standards abortion might no longer even be sanctioned homicide. To adopt the extreme definition of what is legally a human-being, and striking down existing abortion laws, the Court might eliminate ALL abortions (even some birth control techniques), except those that might be justified as "self-defense" to protect the life of the mother. I believe that is highly unlikely, and would be counter-productive to the Public welfare.

I can't figure out how to adequately parse Asherman's comment, so I'll tackle a few things at once.

I have followed numerous debates for years on various subjects. I have found one thing in common in all of those debates, and in this one. People getting off the topic to argue the words being used. Legalized murder or sanctioned homicide are splitting hairs which I, at least, think all sides understand the meaning of quite thoroughly. There is disagreement whether the phrases are properly or appropriately used, but both sides agree on the meaning. We are talking about killing a human being which is sanctioned by the government.

There is a bumper sticker that says, "Don't steal, the government doesn't like the competition." This idea applies to the argument between murder and capital punishment. Either one is the premeditated killing of another person. It is only a matter of who is doing the killing. And the idea is extended under an assortment of highly contorted legalisms, that it is ok for someone to kill a baby that isn't completely out of its mother's body, as long as the killing is done by a government regulated doctor, but it is not alright for someone to kill a baby by beating the mother. (Going back to Asherman's reference to common law.) Or killing the child once it is outside the mother and has drawn a breath.

Next I address the real issue of the debate. Just exactly when does a human being begin to exist. Agreement here will settle much of the discussion, not all but much. Asherman rightly points out that there are those who believe human life begins at the union of sperm and egg. I am one of those folks.

Asherman is also correct when he points out that law has for years upheld that life begins when the infant can survive outside the womb. This is a very bad definition from a legal and scientific standpoint. This difficulty arises because there is no consideration in the definition of how much assistance the child needs to continue to live. A wanted child can be provided with extraordinary medical care outside the womb and survive from as early as twenty weeks post conception, merger of sperm and egg. At the same time abortion is legal up until the baby is naturally and completely expelled from the mother in the usual way. A normally delivered baby does require a significant amount of care in clothing, feeding, care, cleaning, etc. Also the advance of medical science and art continues to extend back toward conception the ability to support a wanted baby outside the womb.

rufio wrote:
It is only murder if it is a human being that is killed. Until it is born, or able to be born safely, a fetus is not a human being. It's not murder to kill a dog, it's property damage. Same thing here. Fetuses are alive, and I realize some people have emotional connections with them, but that does not make them human.

I addressed this above, but I'll expand a bit.

There is the argument that nothing truly significant happens to differentiate points of development once the sperm penetrates the egg. That merger can be watched as it happens. Everything else is noted in arrears. "Look, we can see that now." So any argument that some arbitrary point, age, in the pregnancy differentiates between a human and some precursor of a human is most artificial and subject to much argument and debate, and guaranteed not to gain some kind of consensus. I acknowledge that even the point of union of sperm and egg will not garner the necessary agreement, but I believe that it is a human once the sperm and egg have united and that anything which interferes with the child's development from then on constitutes murder.

On the subject of partial birth abortions this argument makes no sense to me on the issue of health of the mother. A woman who wants that abortion, or supposedly needs it, at such a late stage of the pregnancy is put under more strain having to partially deliver the baby, then WAIT while the doctor kills the baby, and then finish pushing the dead baby out. It would be much less strain on the mother if the baby were just continuously delivered alive.

But then we go back to the issue of the survivability of the baby outside the womb. How much effort would be required to keep the baby alive. And, as Asherman pointed out, once the baby is outside the mother's body and alive if it is not taken care of the charge of murder can be brought to bear.

Now, having argued all of that I will admit that while I am opposed to abortion more than many, I still admit the necessity to perform abortions where the PHYSICAL life of the mother is at risk. I consider that threat to be rather limited in scope to ectopic pregnancies and conditions such as eclampsia. And since eclampsia usually does not appear until late in a pregnancy the early delivery of the child can be accomplished to save the mother's life and still preserve the child's life. I do not support the legalization of abortions for cases of rape or incest. However, I do support extreme penalties for the man involved in those crimes including full castration in addition to jail time and child support captured by the courts through garnishment. Drawing on the advances of medical science again, DNA is right now an extremely positive indicator of paternity.

I do differ with many of the so called right to life folks in that I am also opposed to capital punishment. I do not believe that any human should be killed in a premeditated fashion.

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Reply Wed 8 Sep, 2004 10:26 pm
KellyS wrote:
I acknowledge that even the point of union of sperm and egg will not garner the necessary agreement, but I believe that it is a human once the sperm and egg have united and that anything which interferes with the child's development from then on constitutes murder.

So then you'd agree that a sexually active woman who takes oral contraceptives or has an IUD is potentially a murderer?
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Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2004 04:01 am
Abu Ishaq Al Juwayri wrote:
well....like they say, the truth hurts, don't it?

Well..I'm sorry the truth that I told hurts you, Abu...but you gotta suck it up and live with it.

A fetus is no more a human being than an egg is a chicken.

If a woman makes the decision that she no longer wants to host an embryo or fetus growing inside her body...she should be free to ask for, and receive an abortion.

To describe that as "throwing away a baby" is absurd...and rather evil (not a word I use often), in my opinion.

But some people will never see things that way.

To them...I suggest not having an abortion.
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