Quote:All of those things I said about Kerry are demonstrably true
Quote:from his lack of Senate accomplishments
George Bush loves to attack John Kerry's legislative record. But the fact is that
57 bills and resolutions Kerry sponsored passed the Senate and countless others have been improved because of his work, including the Clean Air Act, the Children's Health Insurance Program and the COPS program. In addition, Kerry has taken on the special interests and won. He fought against Newt Gingrich's anti-labor and anti-environmental regulatory reform, he has fought to raise the minimum wage, and he has worked to shut down wasteful corporate subsidies.
Sounds as if he has gotten SEVERAL accomplishments done. As a comparison, Dick Cheney had 2 resolutions sponsored and passed.
Quote:his ratings by groups that keep track of the political bent of our congress
It is true, he does have a very consistent voting record as a liberal. But, why is this a bad thing? Isn't it important that he has voted consistently?
How can he be the most liberal senator AND a flip-flopper? Obviously he votes pretty consistently.
Quote:his marriage to a fortune
I'm sure his marriage has nothing to do with his presidential bid. Let me ask you, if you met an attractive divorced billionaire, who was interested in you, how would you act any differently than Kerry did?
Do you really believe that Kerry's wife reflects badly upon him?
Quote:and falsifying of reports to earn medals
Bullsh*t. This is a political gambit by the GOP and nothing more. The fact that they even have the gall to attack Kerry's service record given the rather pathetic record of Bush is amazing.
The fact is, I wasn't there, you weren't there, and almost everyone who is claiming to have an opinion on this issue wasn't there. Kerry didn't award the medals to himself; the military has ways of ensuring veracity when it comes to awarding medals. So, in the absence of proof, please don't present this issue as a given when it most certainly is not a given.
Quote:and continuous waffling over issues.
That doesn't really match up with his voting record, now does it?
Don't buy into the GOP propaganda machine. Do your own research.