When will Ted Cruz give up his candidacy?

Reply Thu 5 May, 2016 07:31 pm
parados wrote:

Do you have any idea of all things that can happen that will land Bernie with the nomination?

Are you suggesting you are going to assassinate Hillary? Aside from that, there is nothing that will get Bernie the nomination and even if you were to commit murder for Bernie that would probably disqualify him in the mind of the majority of the delegates. Can you say President Biden from your jail cell? I knew you could.

You have a natural way with the seriously whackadoodle, Parados. Kudos.
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 5 May, 2016 08:33 pm
Now, that's a gem:
Parados. Kudos.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 May, 2016 04:43 am

I think you may meet some men in suits at your door over your suggestion that someone should assassinate Hillary Clinton or any other presidential candidate.

Suggesting assassination of a political candidate online is like yelling "bomb" in an airport.

I don't want to converse with people whose poor decisions online might attract the attention of the NSA, or who think it's funny to talk about assassination.


Reply Fri 6 May, 2016 07:08 am
I'm sure the FBI's reading comprehension is much better than yours. Rolling Eyes

Your plan for Bernie to win is more likely to have the FBI at your door than mine. Laughing Hillary isn't going to be arrested in the next month. She isn't going to be charged with any felonies. Your only hope is what I asked about. The polling isn't going to change. Hillary is going to beat Sanders by 700-800 delegates once June 7th is done and counted.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 May, 2016 09:19 am
Quote Lash:
I think you may meet some men in suits at your door

Don't count on it. We've all been waiting for the nice men in the white coats to show up at your door and take you away to the facility for years. Hasn't happened yet.
Reply Fri 6 May, 2016 09:50 am
Because normal people understand that Hillary Clinton is unpopular.
Reply Sat 7 May, 2016 08:04 am
It was you, Lash, who said last year that Hillary was rated quite high, but because of Republican attacks she has come down in popularity numbers. You specifically said it was because it was of the attacks.

Now you're changing your story to make it seem that she always was unpopular, the Republican attacks had nothing to do with it.
Reply Sat 7 May, 2016 11:09 am
Nope. You're mistaken. She was only high in popularity when Bill made a fool of her re Monica Lewinski.

She's been pretty low at most points in her public life - but did enjoy a high when she was removed for a time from "political life" as SOS.

However, when she began making what were considered mistakes or errors in judgment, she began to dip again.

Hillary: notoriously disliked by the American people punctuated by pity due to a philandering husband and a few months as SOS.

Trawl the polls if you want facts.
Reply Sat 7 May, 2016 07:39 pm
Lash, we had a discussion on this some months ago, I said the attacks on Hillary won't permanently impair her popularity, that it was a temporary thing. You bragged that the attacks by the Republicans were absolutely bringing her down in the polls.

Now you are shifting positions and saying she never was popular or looked up to.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 May, 2016 07:37 am
Actually Hillary has had quite high popularity for much of her time in public life.


Unless you are arguing that "notoriously disliked" means she is liked by 50% or more of Americans, your statement is complete hogwash.
Reply Mon 9 May, 2016 07:59 am
Thanks parados. I think I'll quote one of the articles. From 2012:

Hillary Clinton Maintains Near Record-High Favorability
by Frank Newport
Two-thirds of Americans view her favorably, on par with her personal best

PRINCETON, NJ -- Americans remain nearly as positive toward Hillary Clinton today as they have ever been over the past 20 years. The secretary of state's favorable rating remains at 66%, within one percentage point of her record-high rating in late 1998. Her unfavorable rating of 29% ties her record low since 1993.


You can really see how popular Hillary was until the Republicans started on the attacks after 2012, designed to bring down her popularity because they were afraid to face her as a candidate in 2016. Temporarily, the strategy has worked-but will it work as we get closer to the election and people pay more attention to what the candidates have to say?
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Tue 10 May, 2016 10:33 am
Cruz hints he may get back in the race.
Speaking with radio host Glenn Beck, a supporter, Cruz did not say whether he supports Trump, but signaled to supporters they can take their time to assess him.

"This is a choice every voter is going to have to make, and I would note it's not a choice we as the voters have to make today," Cruz said. "The voters in the primary have seemed to have made a choice, and we'll see what happens as the months go forward, but I think we need to watch and see what the candidates say and do."

Cruz was also asked about the possibility of returning to the race, perhaps if he does well in the Nebraska primary being held Tuesday. Cruz replied he is "not holding my breath" for such an outcome, but made clear he would be open to the opportunity if it presented itself.

"If there is a path to victory, we launched this campaign intending to win," Cruz said, reiterating that he suspended his campaign because he did not see a "viable path to victory." "If that changes," he said, "we will certainly respond accordingly."

Reply Tue 10 May, 2016 10:28 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
I think something's up in the Republican Party. I figure there might be potential scandal in Trump's past that the Republican Establishment may claim changes everything and makes Trump unacceptable as a candidate.

My guess is, they find a scandal on Trump, and under the emergency situation, the convention rules committee says that the Trump and other delegates do NOT have to vote for the candidate they were supposed to vote for on the first ballot, be it Trump,Cruz, or Rubio. Instead, they can vote their conscience given the new information about Trump. Then they substitute somebody else at the convention, like Paul Ryan or Mitt Romney, as a candidate.
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