Quote:It tends to be aWednesday between certain dates and then when it never happens all it means is they got the dates wrong.
The spirit of Ama seems to have spent the last ten years getting the dates wrong.
Do you know that I doubted the spirit of Ama for eleven (11) years from 1983 to 1994? What made me reverse my outlook?
1. The bold letters A M A in an article about the Aristean calendar.
2. The discovery of 888 as the number of Jesus post office box.
3. The names of my mother, Gregorian, and maternal grandmother, Julita, as related to my proposed Aristean calendar.
These could not happened if God did not interfere in my life,
This can be read in wp113 in Word Press titled "From Doubt to Belief".
Five years later, in 1999, doubt again permeated from me when I embarked on checking the revelations of Ama, I said to myself that if they were wrong, then I renounce my belief in Ama and declare him a fraud. I found Him correct in both the birth and death of Jesus. That is why I say as 2 Corinthians 4:13 states"I believed and therefore have I spoken".