Thanks for the response
1. Can I ask what your stance is on this? I suppose my real question is what the majority opinion is on this in the feminist world. I can see both points of view as it certainly isn't sexual to sunbathe topless or feed a child, yet we all have primitive parts of our brains which we cannot control and I wouldn't blame people for finding topless women distracting (to put it cleanly).
2. Yes indeed but I have never even heard of them being called sex objects, yet it is common with women for some reason.
3. Agreed, I hold the door for anyone
4. As I have already been reprimanded for writing too much I won't list it all. Just imagine how the lead in a 1950's film would treat a well-to-do lady. It's not a big deal but I was just curious if there was a 'right and wrong' type of list!