In a recent New Scientist, there was an article that argued against the hypothesis that Neanderthals , like Hss, also could THROW their spears.
The arguement was originally made that Hss and Hn had a dominant arm from its defined muscle attachment and bone density, A paleo-anthropologist created a study about that hypothesis and found that the bones of the dominant arms of Hss were quite different than the dominant arms of the Hn. In the Neanderthals the musculature insertion suggested that this dominant arm was good at moving side to side as opposed to the same musculature in the Hss (which suggested that their dominant arm was able to work up and down, as needed for throwing).
The argument goes on and it must be seen that, even the last refugal Hn populations in the LEvant and at Gibraltar, still made those really clunky "Mousterian style"weapons points, huge and massive (kinds that looked like theyed be a better LANCING weapon, which would mean these guys had toi get up close to kill their chosen game.
Maybe thats why they went extinct, they were really getting wahked by their hunting methods and their fecundity didnt keep up.