@cicerone imposter,
Thanks CI
Shucks... It would appear it has already begun. I just came across this article on my FB. This is just the introduction. Is there a way to link to a FB post here? (FB=Facebook) Anyway, here is the introduction:
From the desk of Steve Shultz:
I know many of you have already heard about the outpourings happening in San Diego with Jerame and Miranda Nelson and Joshua and Janet Mills. People are flocking down there to get touched by God.
We asked Jerame if he could write up an article for our readers about what's been happening there, as well as get you all excited about outpourings of the Lord coming your way!
Yes "revival is in the air" and you'll be greatly blessed and excited for it yourself as Jerame shares this from our friend James Goll:
Dr. James W. Goll prophesied that God the Father was about to release the "West Coast Rumble" and that the Father was going to release revival fire from Tijuana, Mexico, all the way up the coast to Vancouver, Canada. He began to prophesy that God would visit all of the major port cities on the West Coast with revival.
Make sure you forward this on to all of your friends and family. We pray Jerame sharing this with our readers will IGNITE something inside of you...AND God is making this available to us NOW!
Hey! Now one last thing. The "What is God Saying for 2016?" conference has JUST ended and NOW YOU CAN ORDER THE CDs, DVDs OR MP3 DOWNLOAD.