maxdancona wrote:Disruption is often needed... Martin Luther King and Alice Paul were deliberately disruptive. Colin Kaepernick was deliberately disruptive.
I hardly think Martin Luther King agitated for the cause of fighting racism and poverty because his aim was, per those Urban Dictionary definitions, to cause "maximum disruption and argument", "provoke an emotional knee jerk reaction" and "cleverly piss people off". He didn't
mind if his agitation for righteous causes had those effects on bigots; but it was hardly his goal itself, it was just an inevitable side-effect. That seems like a pretty crucial difference, and I'm not sure what point is served by conflating the two.
Getting beyond the MLK reference, I can think of a couple of A2K users who hold highly controversial or "disruptive", but obviously sincere views, and generally argue them in good faith if sometimes at exhausting lengths. That's not trolling.