@Finn dAbuzz,
I'm tending to agree with Finn on a lot of this, though we disagree a lot of matters, when typing opinons. Dunno re right now, as it would take a monitor to find nastybody stuff. Mostly I think some others (who?) should be able to add.
The tag thing can be complicated, as we all know. I get making the thread starter the purveyor, but many thread starters are, for the time being, l lost in space re tags re their own question. Up until now, some of us have tried to put a category in, to help clarify re google points or whatever, but mostly to find the thread if we want to see it again, or help others to get a clue what it is about.
Something may come up in the thread that is actually useful to others, and then can't be noted in a tag.
Sometimes we know more than the poster, re, say, art or the artist.
Which brings up another subject. I sometimes give Tico's summary for a How To to newbies, mostly useful. My trying to tell an older a2ker how to do it with an oldmac landed me in grief. So...
I hope some how to instructions happen for photography, if it is allowed.
That's another whole question.
I get it that it is expensive.
I think some of it is calming and also educational. Losing Roberta's Beautiful Animals would kill me, and probably annoy her and make her kvetch.