The upcoming Republican Party convention

Reply Wed 1 Sep, 2004 01:56 pm
I remember watching the Nixon-Humphrey presidential race on TV

It doesn't say anything about debates.
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Reply Wed 1 Sep, 2004 02:01 pm
jpinMilwaukee wrote:
I remember watching the Nixon-Humphrey presidential race on TV

It doesn't say anything about debates.

I fully expected someone to rush in and defend the Gropenator's dissembling.

You win the black ribbon, jp.

Do you think it was this Nixon Schwarzenegger fall in love with?

When the strongest nation in the world can be tied down for four years in a war in Vietnam with no end in sight, when the richest nation in the world cannot manage its economy, when the nation with the greatest tradition of the rule of war is plagued by unprecedented racial violence, when the President of the United States cannot travel abroad, or to any major city at home, then its time for new leadership for the United States."

-- President Nixon, 1968 RNC acceptance speech

No, couldn't have been that one, since Bush is tied down in a war with no end in sight, the richest nation in the world cannot manage its economy, and the President of the United States cannot travel abroad, or even to any major city at home.

Hmmm, so if it's not that Nixon, it must be this Nixon:

I am not a crook
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Reply Wed 1 Sep, 2004 03:00 pm
See, jp, this would be so simple if you would just read a little.

Arnold's been telling this same lie for awhile.

The L.A. Times (archived, 8/20/03) reported the following:

Fresh from Austria, a socialist country, Arnold Schwarzenegger decided to become a Republican after listening to "the debates of Hubert Humphrey and Richard Nixon when they were debating for the presidential race," or so he told television talk show host Bill O'Reilly in May 2001. " Hubert Humphrey spoke about things I heard in Austria under socialism."

"having watched a 1968 presidential debate for which a friend provided the translation. "[Hubert] Humphrey stood for the government [that] will solve all your problems," Schwarzenegger recalled. "[Richard] Nixon said no, free to choose, let the people decide. So I said to my friend, which party is Nixon? He said Republican. OK, I said, I'm a Republican."

The Sacramento Bee wrote similarly:

Even before he could speak English fluently, Schwarzenegger realized he was a Republican. As a friend translated the 1968 presidential debates, he found he admired Republican Richard Nixon's free-market approaches and rejected Democrat Hubert Humphrey as too much like the Austrian socialists he had left behind.

No wonder he and Bush get along so well.

They're both liars.
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Reply Wed 1 Sep, 2004 05:02 pm

Where is the lie, or the contrast between the articles? They say the same thing.
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Reply Wed 1 Sep, 2004 05:16 pm
Read back, dear.
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Reply Wed 1 Sep, 2004 05:30 pm
Fresh from Austria, a socialist country, Arnold Schwarzenegger decided to become a Republican after listening to "the debates of Hubert Humphrey and Richard Nixon when they were debating for the presidential race," or so he told television talk show host Bill O'Reilly in May 2001. " Hubert Humphrey spoke about things I heard in Austria under socialism."

"having watched a 1968 presidential debate for which a friend provided the translation. "[Hubert] Humphrey stood for the government [that] will solve all your problems," Schwarzenegger recalled. "[Richard] Nixon said no, free to choose, let the people decide. So I said to my friend, which party is Nixon? He said Republican. OK, I said, I'm a Republican."

The Sacramento Bee wrote similarly:

Even before he could speak English fluently, Schwarzenegger realized he was a Republican. As a friend translated the 1968 presidential debates, he found he admired Republican Richard Nixon's free-market approaches and rejected Democrat Hubert Humphrey as too much like the Austrian socialists he had left behind.
Um. Same thing.

Somebody else please point out the inconsistency.
What? He left out that the friend translated it in the first one? That's not a lie.
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Reply Wed 1 Sep, 2004 05:32 pm
Christ, sweetheart, you only have to click one page back...

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Reply Wed 1 Sep, 2004 05:36 pm
Presidential race, PDid. Didn't say debate.
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Reply Wed 1 Sep, 2004 05:43 pm
Sofia wrote:
Presidential race, PDid. Didn't say debate.

Now what are you misunderstanding?

He's quoted using the word "debate' on Bill O'Reilly's show, in the newspapers I cite and which you quoted when you did not understand it previously.

Read the quotes again, for goodness sake.

Jesus, the lengths some people will go to avoid the truth...
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Reply Wed 1 Sep, 2004 05:54 pm
That's a lot of energy over something so small. He may have seen them talking seperately--people still call that a debate sometimes. It doesn't have to be a 'formal' debate. It refers to the National Debate.

The Bee: As a friend translated the 1968 Presidential Debates...

C'Mon. You know what he meant. The dialogue, the political points Nixon and Humphrey made...
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Reply Wed 1 Sep, 2004 05:57 pm
And that's another thing.

How long has it been since a Republican praised Nixon from the podium of the convention?
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Reply Wed 1 Sep, 2004 06:04 pm
Nixon wasn't all bad.
At first, I got stomach cramps and had to lie down, but later, I thought---hey, it's not like he KILLED somebody. We should be able to say his name...

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Reply Wed 1 Sep, 2004 06:10 pm
Tommy Thompson, CNN this morning:

HEMMER: How do you feel about Rudolph Giuliani, Arnold Schwarzenegger, who do not share that same view? Featured speakers here at the convention.

THOMPSON: I think they are outstanding. I think, you know, the crowd responded extremely well to both of them.

In fact, I think Arnold Schwarzenegger, Governor Schwarzenegger's speech last night was one of the finest speeches I've ever heard at the convention. And I've been going to conventions now for 28 years, national conventions.

So I would have to say that his speech was outstanding. He gave a portrayal, a -- he painted a picture of why people should be a Democrat better and more ably than any person I've ever heard before.

HEMMER: That is very high praise...

I've actually been waiting for this transcript to go up, so that it would verify what my ears heard. Laughing
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Brand X
Reply Wed 1 Sep, 2004 06:34 pm
That's a helluva compliment to the Repubs for their Convention...everyone thought it would be too right sided only... but has been very diverse compared to the Dem Convention.

The Dems keep driving their party more to the left and back to the 60's in some ways, it don't play dat well with homie anymore. Plus they don't have as much control of big media these days.
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Reply Wed 1 Sep, 2004 07:03 pm
Brand X wrote:
That's a helluva compliment to the Repubs for their Convention...everyone thought it would be too right sided only... but has been very diverse compared to the Dem Convention.


Could you explain why they are all speaking from a church podium?

Tonight is Fright Night...
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Brand X
Reply Wed 1 Sep, 2004 07:08 pm
PDiddie wrote:
Brand X wrote:
That's a helluva compliment to the Repubs for their Convention...everyone thought it would be too right sided only... but has been very diverse compared to the Dem Convention.


Could you explain why they are all speaking from a church podium?

Tonight is Fright Night...

I wish I could explain the prayers and hymns between every speech. Ugh!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Sep, 2004 07:17 pm
PDiddie wrote:

Could you explain why they are all speaking from a church podium?

oh, i suspect you know why, dude.

i predict, with of course no claim to accuracy, that within the next maybe 10 years or so, maybe 20, that there will be a splintering of the republican party. i think it's possible that the christian right will break away and found a new party. "the christian republicans". i'm not being sarcastic when i say this. on the other hand, it could be that there will be an exodus of moderates from both parties and they will form a new third party.

that might be fun! hey what should we call it??? Rolling Eyes
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Reply Wed 1 Sep, 2004 07:20 pm
DontTreadOnMe wrote:
that might be fun! hey what should we call it??? Rolling Eyes

God's Own Party.
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Reply Wed 1 Sep, 2004 11:13 pm
It hasn't shown yet, but I do believe the internet can be used to build a third party.

All these people who are communicating with each other on boards like this-that never happened before! Very Happy
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Reply Thu 2 Sep, 2004 12:40 am
kelticwizard wrote:
It hasn't shown yet, but I do believe the internet can be used to build a third party.

All these people who are communicating with each other on boards like this-that never happened before! Very Happy

i agree. i have often referred to the net as "the new underground". a reference to the the early "rock" fm days when you went to fm radio to hear all the "heavy music" that never got on air with am. this is even better though. you don't have to hitch out to bufu to "rap with the tribes".
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