Try since about 630 CE--it's not the history of Islam as a religion, nor even, for that matter, history at all which has lead you to make a fool of yourself. It's current events about which you display a lamentable ignorance. You seem not to understand the political situations in the nations of the middle east (believe it or not, they are not a political monolith), and you ascribe to ISIS an importance they don't deserve. ISIS has slaughtered thousands of people--usually unarmed prisoners, the elderly and women and children. Militarily, they have demonstrated that they are pathetically inept. They raged across the western desert of Iraq, Al Anbar, and attacked Ramadi. They were stopped there for more than a year by the Iraqi army which was, if anything, more incompetent than ISIS. Bogged down before Ramadi, they left a regiment-sized force, and headed for Tikrit. That tipped their hand, and although the newspapers would require many months for the nickel to drop, anyone paying attention knew from that that they were former Saddam Hussein Ba'athist loyalists. There they slaughtered thousands of prisoners, and then headed for Iraqi Kurdistan. This was in the summer of 2014, and the Kurds had negotiated a cease-fire with Turkey requiring the Turks to withdraw from the areas bordering Iraqi Kurdistan, in return for which the PKK would disarm--that was in March, 2013. Both sides kept their part of the bargain. So when ISIS invaded Iraqi Kurdistan, the Kurds were largely disarmed, and the Shi'ites of al Makiki's incompetent and corrupt Iraqi army ran or were rounded up and slaughtered. ISIS then attacked Syrian Kurdistan, but were driven out by the Kurds there, who had not disarmed. The Iraqi Kurds have since been armed (rather indifferently) by the West, and are fighting back, but they couldn't resist attacking the Turks, so now the Turks bomb Kurdish targets while the West bombs ISIS and counts on the Kurds to be their proxy army to fight ISIS.
ISIS is **** as a military force--no commissary, no quartermaster, no transport corps, no repair and maintenance infrastructure--and their military leaders are a pack of incompetent loons who mostly wanted revenge against the Iraqi Shi'ites. If they ever seriously threaten the holy shrines of Shia, the Revolutionary Guard of Iran will come down on them like a ton of bricks.
ISIS is just the flavor of the month in whacked out Muslim jihadis, and the chattering classes of journalism run around doing their "sky is falling" routine because they're usually no better informed than you appear to be. Nobody wants to go into the Syrian morass to deal with them, but a Marine Expeditionary Force or the Foreign Legion could mop them up pretty quickly. Wars are expensive, though, and to send in 8000 Marines or Legionnaires would require about 10,000 support troops and air support, as well as naval forces, and lots and lots of cash. They'd probably also have to fight any number of other lunatics, too, and no one wants to get bogged down in Syria.
ISIS is the big bad wolf right now, but as was the case with al Qaeda, they'll probably eventually get wiped out, at least "decapitated" (the leadership wiped out, which is what happened to al Qaeda), although the name Islamic State will live on, just as the name al Qaeda lived on, because if has jahadi radical chic cachet. They're just the latest round of murderous scum to emerge from the middle east. They're not the first, and won't be the last.