Pissed off with technology...but my email came back.
My home is festooned with telephone wire, but i now have only one phone I can use.
Not much pain (just say yes to drugs) but, when I experiment and try to do a bit of extra stuff, I get sore again.
Just spoke to a doctor friend who said i really may just have to spend a lot of time LYING DOWN.
A MONTH isn't enough?
Appointment with specialist in August...though he'll look at x rays when I get them there and offer an earlier appointment if he thinks there is anything he can do.
I'll also see GP next week and ask her about upping the walking around when there is less pain. That the leg is still partially numb may be an indicator to live as boring a life as I have been. It might be the teeniest tad less numb...but degrees of numbness are a bit hard to guess at. The drugs may be helping the cause of pain (the inflammation at least) or just disguising it.
I am experimenting with taking less drugs, and am managing it. But that often happens with bad pain as soon as it is well managed and your body scales down its arousal levels.....your pain threshold rises. So...I guess very careful experimentation is the answer!!! I wanna MOVE....but i don't want to make it impossible to move for longer.
I have many DVD's.
I can enjoy reading a bit.
I WILL do a couple of clients next week but very carefully.
How's mit du, dollink?