That's a first, Joe. I don't know if that qualifies for dry humping but it damn sure qualifies for something!
Definitely qualifies in the Distanced Dry Humping category. Kudos Joe
I dry humped my fist earlier. Good times.
I imagine there are a lot of Sox fans mimicking you at the moment
And alot that are pissed.
So slappy, sidebar.
Sox defense SOOOO bad they had to trade Nomar?
Oh. You're talking Red Sox, not White Sox.
Sorry, I'll shut up. This is Slappy's Sex thread not Sox thread
Red Sox, White Sox. You know, it's funny, I have a pair just like these at home...
Stop the presses! This is one for the time capsule!
Yes Virginia, The Al Queda was threatening from all quarters to blow the **** out of them, communists claiming to be liberals were running for the highest office, millions of Sudan innocents were being slaughtered, gays were coming out of the woodwork...even on AMEX commercials, the Rolling Stones were still on tour (on life support) and this dork from Boston opened up a chat forum on "Dry Humping" fr'Crissakes!
Are we in denial Chuckster?
Quote:...and this dork from Boston opened up a chat forum on "Dry Humping" fr'Crissakes!
Be careful who you call a dork, Chuckster. Slappy has many friends here.
Some of them may come looking for you.
It is sad, of course, that more peole do not use internet chat forums to change the world.
I'm sorry Chuckster, for not playing Dan Rather and reporting all the latest news. Wait, that's what is for.
Hey, I bet you were the kid in elementary school your classmates would play fun tricks on, like throwing rocks at your house at night, and kicking the sh!t out of you for laughs.
Somehow Gus, I don't think Slappy needs help defending himself right now.
I think what Gus was saying, was he was going looking for chuckster.
Ever since the gerbil incident of '94, Gus has way too much time on his hands.
Gerbil incident? Now this I gotta hear!
What IF the hokey pokey is what it's really all about?
Gotta love the strategically placed third foot.