Oh, I thought it said "Io sono molto buffo"
Well, that too. I just found 'goffo' in the dizionario, thought it was a nice word...
It is a big note there on his back..... what else does it say down there?!
I need a drink!
littlek: let's have a few drinks and unwind! I'm exasperated!
I don't think I will go to the trouble of sharing my area of knowledge anymore . . . my attempts to make it simple are misconstrued, my words are twisted . . . my efforts are futile . . . I will never be able to stamp out ignorance in my lifetime . . . ROFL
bartender! I'll take a Miller Lite!
<dusts off rarely consumed Miller Lite cache> Are you sure you don't want something stronger? Maybe Stephan here....
(looking in mirror behind bar) AAAAARRRRGGGHHHHH!!!!!
Why Eva you are a shadow of your former self- may I sit and ogle or do you think Cav will be jealous ?
Why certainly you may ogle! Do you mind if I do the same? All those muscles! <squeezing triceps> Ooh!
May I borrow your napkin? Some silly oaf drew a mustache on me while I slept.
<looking at a grinning kickycan suspiciously>
The moustache may increase your marketing cachet in this dive. No offense to Red. Why do those two "ladies" on the end always go to the restroom together? I'm beginning to have a suspicion. Oh, I think they are married. What state of mind are we in? Conneticutt?
Alex, Connecticut for 1,000.
Eva doesn't need much more cachet here, she owns the title.
Which two ladies? Are you sure that you just have not drunk too much of that 'vintage' beer?
I agree. Eva rules, deservedly.
I protest! Twas not I who drew upon fair Eva's countenance! I have, in fact, exacted sweet revenge on her behalf (or maybe just 'cause I could).
I move slowly out of the corner to order some strong, black coffee, then retreat again.
Good evening, everyone! My, am I thirsty tonight! I could do with a few litres of juice.
Anyway-- upon whom did you exact revenge for Eva's sake, Fortune?
'Pon the culprit himself, who is to this day walking around with a "kick me" sign stuck to his back.
It's been TWO DAYS already! Hee hee hee hee!!!
Ha! he deserved such a jape, I can bet.
I bet that a company specialising in dealing revengeing ills for other people, despite being distasteful, would earn quite a lot of money...

I think you might have something there, Drom!
A heartfelt thank-you to all my lovely friends for watching my back. (And labeling kicky's!) Here's a bottle of champagne to celebrate. Now, if you'll excuse me for just a second...
ka-POW! I got him again!!!