Thu 29 Jul, 2004 11:08 am
Come here to drown your online frustrations and sorrows. Just play nice and don't get personal, or you're barred. Anyone can play sensitive bartender, or shoulder to cry on. We are well stocked with good booze and upscale pub grub. Cheers!
Since I'm one of those lucky blokes without much frustrations and sorrows, I'll be the bartender with an open ear. BTW, cav, what's the grub? Get'n a wee bit hungry.
First I'll need a bacon cheeseburger and a Guinness :-D
Watcha want? I recommend the crab cakes.
Montana wrote:First I'll need a bacon cheeseburger and a Guinness :-D
Coming right up. There ya go.
That was fast. What great service :-D Here's a $5 tip for ya ;-)
Crab cakes sounds great - with the Guinness.
Pabst Blue Ribbon and a bowl of pork rinds.
spicy wings for me please
and a round for the house!
If ya'll look, it's all on the table.
Thanks for the lo mein and spring water. Nice place you got here, I love the wood paneling!
zippityaye! wrote:I like the ice sculpture
rather risque wouldn't you say?
While it looks like an ice sculpture, it's actually a glitter dusted naked model from which sushi will be served on later. Discuss amongst yourselves, my assistants will get you whatever you want.
Indeed, nice here.
(The sign in the toilet said, I should notify someone to change the towel - which I herewith have done.)
Anybody watch the "race" on tv the other day? They had to gulp down two pounds of caviar. Anyhoos, we had caviar sent in from Russia, and they're on each table with crackers. Help yourself.
Thanks c.i. for sparing us from that Iranian ****.
some guy just asked me if he could buy me a drink-- I told him "No thanks, but I'll take the $5"
Man, what a shitty day....I'll take a tequila shot please. Make that a double.
Can I be that drunk at the end of the bar muttering under my breath and falling off my stool?
Kristie wrote:Man, what a shitty day....I'll take a tequila shot please. Make that a double.
Can I be that drunk at the end of the bar muttering under my breath and falling off my stool?
Sure, have some guacamole and tortilla chips on the house. If you eat a bit, you can have the Mescal worms I've been saving. I took them out of the bottles and popped them in with the pickled eggs.

ooo, no worms....ick...just the tequila....Don Julio please....
and maybe some chips....
got any chocolate?