I was only referring to the 2 lb. lobster stored in my rucksack.
Now that the sun's gone down, it's getting dark around here. Somebody light the tiki torches......
Manuel, light the torches already.
Ah, that's better!
(2 lbs? Uh huh.

Oh, um...Hello, my name is Eva. This is my friend, Montana. We couldn't help noticing you guys looked thirsty....Oh good, you liked the wine!...You're welcome! What did you say your name is?...Tomas?...and Eduardo?....Montana was just admiring your hair, Tomas.....We do hope you like lobster. We've just ordered some. Join us?....Great!.....
You can have my seat Tomas, since there are no chairs left and I'll just sit on your lap and play with your hair, if you don't mind.
Eduardo and Eva seem to be enjoying themselves. Isn't it so romantic how Eduardo is hand feeding Eva that lobster.
Oh, Tomas, I'd love to take a walk along the beach with you.... in the dark....alone.....
A bottle of wine to go please!!!
Gee, Montana, I know it's a bit dark in here, but Tomas is bald!
ok, i'm here, a double of good ol'e jack daniels please, and keep em coming.
I'd like a mongolian mother f*#ker and a cold shot of 1800 please.
that guy watching Kerry's speech on the tv...the one that looks sorta like a chimp...he looks pretty unhappy.
Send him down a cold beer and a basket of pretzels....
Put pueo's drinks on my tab.
cicerone imposter wrote:Gee, Montana, I know it's a bit dark in here, but Tomas is bald!

No no no no!!! You're mistaken CI.
c.i., that's not Tomas...the bald fella is the unhappy Republican munching pretzels at the end of the bar. Tomas is the musclebound beach bum with the ponytail that's fondling Montana. There, I've cleaned your glasses. Better now?
Eduardo, I've had enough of the lobster, I think...Oh, is that YOUR sailboat?...Yes, definitely, let's take her out...
Montana! Tomas! Are you coming?? (I don't think they hear us, Eduardo! <giggles>)
Eduardo: "Madam, you slight me with your sailboat comment. It is clearly a yacht."
"Yes, a Peruvian yacht, but a yacht nonetheless."
I'm just going to stand in the corner, all smokey-like.
smog, while you are hanging out in the corner, could you ask Manuel in the kitchen if the 'brownies' are ready yet?
Talking to the service boy would ruin my smokey image, sorry.
Okay, I'll send Jaunita to ask then.
This is Smokey Joe's? I had the impression we were at cav's pub and grill.
Eva! Eduardo! Wait up!!! We have to hurry Tomas, or else they're going to leave without us. Cav hands Tomas and I each a brownie as we run past his wonderful establishment. Thanks Cav! What would we do without you?