Much of the information has been classified as vital to national security. btw i tend to look & and talk with my hands.

and old men adore simply wonderful to look at women. (BumbleBee was at risk during the entire gathering) Roger provided with with an historical as well as descriptive critique of the use of gyroscopes on pre-nuclear submarines, Mr Asherman did a slide presentation of ash dispursion patterns from the eruption of Krakatoa, Lola enlightned us with details of tool usage of avian creatures of the Amazon, BumbleBee gave an outstanding lecture on union organization of Protologists in California during the McCarthy era. more to follow as it is declassified.
The rats were named Maxine and Malcolm, Deb and ever friendly little devils they were too. Grandma and Grandpa too many..........all corn fed.
When Dys comes around, he can explain his intricate theory about corn and it's impact on the world, I would not attempt to do it justice. But you can see from the photo of Dys how much the visual plays into what he says and the same was true of all of us. This site is an excellent way to get out of our own home towns and meet intriguing people from around the world. (Roger being only one of them.) But there's no doubt about it, I miss the visual component, the way body language, method of dress, facial expression, intensity of gaze and eye contact (or not) intermingle with the verbal.
We did have great conversations and experiences and I miss everyone now.
Not having been there, I second that. I suppose some meeting of internet friends could go sour, but my own quiet meetings with one or two or three people have been excellent experiences. So? so what happens, riffing here, is that a vacuum of information is filled immediately, what a person's physical presence is and all that implies, is.....voice, expressions, girth or wispiness, demeanor - insistant, playful, what? even effort to get to know, talk now that you have actually met...languorous, bubbly, what?
That stuff happens right away or glides in, but it is sort of stunning when you have some sense of people in part already; for me it has been a nice big whooosh.
We have been zooming around physical aspects of some people for the last x pages, sorry to have not asked about more. But, I also feel that the conversations that I have had in place with various people are kind of privileged. I wouldn't readily repeat them but in the most general way.
I think I might be one who was described by TexStar as sugary and flattering.
Sugary maybe, but I didn't mean to flatter. I am slow to tease online, since...I don't know if it would actually hurt. Teasing is a subject for a possible topic, but never mind...
In person, I have had people afraid of my judgment; apparently I can come out with rolling and roiling trenchant comments. I won't do that on a2k, well, usually.
Yes, Osso, and style of speech is another. It's fascinating really. When you finally hear your long known internet friends voice, it's not only the tonal quality but also how quickly they speak, if they repeat certain words, as a typical way of expression that you never knew before. It's excellent discovery. And I recommend everyone who desires to, join in a gathering. There will be another in Texas in October. I encourage everyone to attend.
You are surprisingly out of character here.
I thoght rudeness on that level was something only an ass such as myself was capable of.
Oh well, you live you learn.
And I hope people come to San Francisco next year...because I am sure I can get to that one.
In the meantime, I agree we haven't heard much more about Natalie and BBB and Asherman; I admit I haven't been asking because I don't know you three very well. I would like to hear more about each and about how where you were was - I know it is your stomping grounds, but not much about it. I am from a cool place, mostly, and you were meeting in a different landscape, different sky...and so on, it is more familiar to most of you than to me, though I have driven through there.
osso, According to my latest count, we have nine people planning to attend the A2K Three Continent Gathering in San Francisco early April 2004. It's still early, but I've been reviving the forum every once in awhile to bring it forward to current activity.
I sort of have an idea about Natalie, BBB, and Ashman from the descriptions provided by some of the attendees, but more info would be very welcomed.

How about it, guys? c.i.
I am way sure there were more than TWO rats!
And I wish that ALL gatherings would be banned - since I cannot get to them.....grrrrr...snarl......sour grapes........moan......
I agree some folks, including me, have been mentioning looks. Do you prefer we not mention them after months of not knowing what each other looks like? I am no darling myself, but I enjoy hearing about people's presence, their personality when they are right in front of you, including their style and looks. No apologies for that.
c.i. ~ been so busy with animal legislation, haven't seen your forum regarding San Francisco visit with a2kers! When? Where? Tell me everything! <maybe starting at your forum may be helpful> er, where is it?
Osso, you live in Northern CA also? I'm in the foothills of the Sierra's, about 14 miles above Auburn.
Buterflynet ~ we're almost neighbors <well, on a good traffic day, about an hour>
Dys, from what I hear, you dress like an indian and speak with your hands.
An Italian Lakota!
Please forgive rushed post. Busy Saturday.
I guess it might help, or maybe not, if I mentioned I don't judge by youthful looks. From my point of view that is not as interesting - youthful looks - as I admit thinking it was before. I am an older woman, have a lot of room for what might be interesting in guys' looks. On looking at pictures of women in ads...well, never mind ads, in real life, I find a few wrinkles and sags and...heh heh, blobs, more piquant than your prototypical vogue model facial clearspace.
I've only met some of the crew......but I'm missing everyone terribly right now!
Got to see what I can do about attending the 3-continent gathering.....
Stradee, I have recently found that my grandmother might be buried in Auburn. (I have a friend who is into geneology, finding out stuff about my family that I never had a clue about).
I am going down to Sacramento next week...hmm, any time for coffee, maybe on Tuesday afternoon? Not sure of my sched yet, but think I am at the capitol bldg Monday am/early afternoon, maybe be leaving Tuesday afternoon or late Tues morning.
Stradee, This is special for you. There might be more than on that you might consider attending.
osso, Did you know that my brother is a Assemblyman of the 10th District? Yeah, my brother is in politics. c.i.
For Everybody: Here's the link to the A2K Three Continent Gathering, and we want some
"yesses" after you read this.
Osso ~ thanks for invite hon, however, have a hectic schedule and won't be leaving the area for a few weeks.
I've been to the Auburn Cemetery once <a dear friend passed last year>
the location quite nice ~ your family couldn't have picked a better restingplace for your grandmothers remains.
When you're in the Auburn area, give me a holler.
A cousin is tracing both of my grandparents geneology before they arrived in the Unted States from Italy. We've a placard at Ellis Island, I believe, and looking forward to learning about great-great-great grandparents. Who knows, I may be related to royalty!
I don't know district numbers, CI...will have to look it up, but interested. We are presenting paintings of our county in our assemblywoman's office, and I am going down for the changeover to a new artist. The artist and I are carting her ink drawings in her Volvo (newer than mine)....
sorry for digression, folks.
c.i. ~ can make the gathering in SF on the 4th <so far>
You've said nothing inappropriate here, you've been thoughtful and bright and perfectly fine. Buterflynet's post was, for whatever complex of reasons, designed and intended to make someone(s) feel guilty about...well, god knows what, perhaps being prettier than her. Bad show on her part, not on yours.
lovely to see you, my dear....I did catch the little honda bit, by the way. Hope all is well.