A -21
If you haven't made travel and hotel arrangements yet,
get cracking!
Among the quiet amusements available at Corazon are Chess, Monopoly, Trivial Pursuits, dominos, Uno, and card games. We have a closet full of games and puzzles, but those listed seem to be most often resorted to by our guests. A little penny-ante poker, anyone? I'm a terrible player, but always enjoy the game ... when I can find anyone to play.
In anyone just happens to bring along a set of workcloths, they could work in one of the gardens, or hoe weeds down on the lower property. I hate to see good labor go to waste, and the State won't send the chain-gang here anymore. They say we work them too hard!
For some reason our grandchildren are resisting the idea that they come for a visit this summer. Last year our grand daughter was excited by my announcement that there were a couple of horses out in the garage that she could ride anytime. In return, she had to keep the garage swept and clean. I think she was a little disappointed to find that I was refering to a couple of saw-horses I occasionally use.