fbaezer wrote:
For 2008, China should be divided in men and women. I believe China will win in those games.
Australia has earned, beyond doubt, a spot in group A.
with, I guess drill, of course. The USA must fear of China. :-)
well, fbaezer, you were better with picking Croatia

Croatia scored 13, and Bahamas only 6, I am pretty disappointed with them by the way
by the way, you picked USA women? I think we are into a tie

Colombian bronze medalist in "something" apparently also failed drug test, and that seems to be new thing. Fourth was American girl. So, point more for you

And two bronze medalists after exausting competition
and, yeah, China can easily win in Beijing 2008. Home crowd and grounds, much more attention that Americans pay in "doping area", and that's it
Colombian Maria Luisa Calle was stripped of her bronze medal in the cycling points race, which I saw in it's entirety. I am sad for her. She did a great race.
This meant one less point for Patada Veloz and one more point for me, pnut, CDK and jabs. But that was already counted yesterday.
I need another lucky break, and time is running...
Well, yes, there were traceable doping elements in her body.
Fantasy Olympic Victory Ceremony
douglashuang is from texas.
Congratulations to all!
(If I did something wrong, there's always a way to fix it... unlike the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic organizers, who hung the Belgian flag from the wrong side in the Cycling points race ceremony)
wow, I am so proud now
And congratulations for markr and douglashuang
(and as for mistakes pretty recently was some game where they played wrong anthem of country...Spanish I think?)
Los Angeles was full of blunders: at the olympics closing ceremony, they decided to give a firework music concert celebrating each of the previous host cities. For Mexico City, they chose the theme "Granada", a pasodoble celebrating the Andalusian city.
Had it been Seoul, we'd undertand. But it was, Los Angeles of all places!
Somewhere, I don't remember exactly, they played the Spanish Republican Anthem. Too bad the Republic lost in 1939 and Spain is a kingdom.
yeah, that's the case I had in mind. I think it was soccer game
What a moving virtual ceremony! I could hardly hold the tears in my eyes. If I am not a man, I could virtually cry. I am virtually speechless.
All I can say is: "Thank you."
fbaezer wrote:Somewhere, I don't remember exactly, they played the Spanish Republican Anthem. Too bad the Republic lost in 1939 and Spain is a kingdom.
this occured at the Davis Cup Final (tennis) in Australia, at the opening ceremony
Us women was certainly my downfall as well as bloddy puerto rico