Craven de Kere wrote:sozobe wrote:I actually know about the oratory thing, if I have captions I can hear it -- watch him, see the captions, put it together.
He does it with his body and his punctuation, too -- he starts out with smaller movements, they circle around and build a rhythm, bigger ones, circle around, then big point and wham!
But what I'm talking about is specifically oscillating
tone (as in pitch etc). Not the emphasis
per se but a pervading (throughout all speech, not just used for punctuation) undulating tone that doesn't really serve to emphasise so much as lend a melodic and hypnotic quality.
I'm not sure if that got through with captions (my experience with captioning is limited).
Captions alone don't do it, no, but I'm able to put the visual info together in such a way that I actually
hear it -- it's all in my head, literally, but it's accurate. (I've described tone/pitch kinds of things to hearing people who say I got it exactly right.) I still don't know what I hear and what I think I hear -- a recent victim was the garbage disposal in the sink. I really thought I could hear it -- turned it on, "vrroooom", but then I accidentally left it on and had no idea until I tried to turn it on... and it was already on.

My brain was creating the sound from whole cloth. (Turn the switch, there's a sound...)
Anyway, while they certainly interact, I was talking about the body language et al separately from the tone/ pitch aspect.
Quote:BTW, I've been meaning to tell you that the operator thing worked, I just got it late because of stuff on my end.