BillRM wrote:The US justice system is not perfect
You wrote:Funny how when we're talking about miscarriages of justice for black men you're very forgiving of your justice system. When we're talking about the sentencing of paedophiles you're the exact opposite.
And it's clear why that is.
I wrote:Really?
Not clear at all. Please elucidate.
To which you responded
Quote:It's 'logic' through a distorting lens, a scenario you set up. Like when you patronisingly talk about us foolish English who think we can survive without America's nuclear umbrella when Russia decides to attack. That's a scenario that hasn't happened and ignores our own nuclear deterrent, and ignores the reality of what has happened. During the Cuban Missile Crisis we became a target, and an expendable one because of America's imperialist ambitions.
Reality tends to be the exact opposite of your hypothetical situations.
You think Dubya's axis of evil speech was a masterpiece of political manoeuvring, in reality it ensured that the Iraqi Shia majority population would never collaborate with the Americans.
It's not a matter of disagreeing about policy, your lot are so through the looking glass that you won't even accept facts any more.
First of all if anyone is viewing the world through a distorted lens, clearly it is izzythepush, and it is a lens distorted, at least, by bitterness and animosity.
Let's recap:
Bill made a comment about the US Justice System.
You in your response asserted that he is forgiving of the system when it comes to the accused who happen to be black, but not at all forgiving when it comes to the sentencing of pedophiles. You concluded your comments with the assertion that "it is clear" why Bill views the US justice system one way when the accused is a black and the entirely opposite way when the accused is a pedophile.
It wasn't and still isn't clear to me at all what the source of Bill's dichotomy is, or more importantly, what you think it is: Bill hates pedophiles more than he hates blacks? Forgive me, but knowing you as I do, I'm hard pressed not to believe you brought pedophiles into the discussion for a specific and nasty reason, but as that wasn't clear, I asked you to explain your comment in terms of it's conclusion.
And your response? A rather incoherent, personal diatribe against me tinged with nationalistic resentment, and extending into fabrication.
First, let me remind you old son that Bill, not I, made the original comment.
Secondly when did I ever suggest that GW Bush's "Axis of Evil" speech before congress was a "masterpiece of political maneuvering?"
Thirdly, who make up
my lot and what are the
facts that we won't accept? The assertions of izzythepush?
Finally, perhaps you might deign to answer my original question: Why is it that Bill is forgiving of the US justice system when the accused is black and not at all so when the accused is a pedophile? Since you stated the answer was clear, you should be able to articulate it without going off on a frothing tangent of invective directed personally towards me.
But I can't wait to see what's next from you.