Sat 30 Apr, 2016 08:50 pm
No. Its your apparent stupidity that I hate.
Sun 1 May, 2016 06:27 am
So you approved of going into a library in a large group and calling anyone who will not take up your chats names/racist insults and shoving them around?

Interesting outlook on life indeed.

To say nothing of not having a problem with the burning down and looting of small businesses and more to the point the murder rate for young black males at 13 percents of the total population being equal to the rest of the population in total.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Sun 1 May, 2016 06:28 am
I looked at your post by accident, I've been ignoring your ignorance but this one gets me:

Hemophilia is an actual phenomena, as is the genetic predisposition to it. Sensitivity to pain is subjective when implied to a complete race. Some Jewish are at risk for hemophilia but not all of them.

Implying all black people are insensitive to pain or are all most likely to be prone to addiction to pain relievers is racist as it is implicit to an argument that all blacks are inferior by the notion that they are not evolved to a human enough level to feel pain.

You are a big pain. And racist as all get out.

Back to ignore with your stupidity.
bobsal u1553115
Sun 1 May, 2016 06:35 am
That was a really eye-opening article.

It was for me, too. I'd heard it from some of the racists I grew up among, including from my own family. But I never ever though that it was considered a fact by so many in the medical profession.

Shocking, shocking, shocking.
Sun 1 May, 2016 06:48 am
@bobsal u1553115,
You come up with the straw man that all/most doctors accept that blacks as a group are less pain sensitive and therefore allowing them to suffer more then whites.

The idea that race/dna might had something to do with how must a person is pain sensitive is hardly racist in any case whether true or not.

Oh it seems that some studies seems to show that whites are more resistant to pain then blacks on average.

But of course there should be a ban on such studies as all groupings react the same to pain and to claim that this might not be true is racist.

Collapse BoxAbstract
: The nature and extent of group differences in pain tolerance according to age, sex and race were examined. The method of pain tolerance determination was mechanical pressure on the Achilles tendon, performed on 41, 119 subjects as part of the Kaiser-Permanente Automated Multiphasic Screening examination. The results showed that, on the average, a) pain tolerance decreases with age; b) men tolerate more pain than women; and c) Whites tolerate more pain than Orientals, while Blacks occupy an intermediate position. When the results of this study are compared with earlier work, it appears that, with increasing age, tolerance to cutaneous pain increases and tolerance to deep pain decreases.

Copyright (C) 1972 by American Psychosomatic Society
0 Replies
Sun 1 May, 2016 08:07 am
@bobsal u1553115,
Shocking, shocking, shocking.

Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit.............
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Sun 1 May, 2016 09:48 pm
bobsal u1553115
Sun 1 May, 2016 10:17 pm

Bill Moyers: America's Unfinished Business—Confronting Our Vast Racial Inequality
An interview with Eddie Glaude Jr. on America’s racial "value gap."
By Bill Moyers / BillMoyers.com
April 30, 2016


I’m holding in my hand what has been called “one of the most daring books of the 21st century,” a “book for the ages,” “bracing,” “unrelenting.” The title is Democracy in Black: How Race Still Enslaves the American Soul, and it breathes with prophetic fire.

Its power comes because the author does not begin with “pristine principles or with assumptions about our inherent goodness.” Rather, its view of democracy, as he writes, “emerges out of an unflinching encounter with lynching trees, prison cells, foreclosed homes, young men and women gunned down by police and places where ‘hope, unborn, had died.’”

Democracy in Black is rich in history and bold in opinion, and inconvenient truths leap from every page. For example, and I’m quoting the book again, “black people must lose their blackness if America is to be transformed. But of course, white people get to stay white.”

The book opens in Ferguson, Missouri, with the author talking to three, dynamic young black women, newly born to activism, and it closes in the intimacy of the reader’s heart, where each of us wrestles with the question of whether we can indeed change the habits of racism and create together a new politics based on a revolution in values.

The author is Eddie Glaude Jr. Glaude was raised in the Deep South, in Moss Point, Mississippi, and still remembers the Ku Klux Klan burning a cross at the fairground. He’s now a professor of religion and African-American studies at Princeton University, where he also chairs the Center for African-American Studies. This is his third book, and he’s a member in good standing of the black establishment, which he rigorously calls to account in Democracy in Black.

Listen to our conversation by clicking on the stream below. You can also download it and take it with you, or click to read the full transcript. Sign up for our audio podcast feed to get new conversations as soon as we record them.
Mon 2 May, 2016 02:28 am
@bobsal u1553115,
bobsal u1553115 wrote:
Hemophilia is an actual phenomena, as is the genetic predisposition to it. Sensitivity to pain is subjective when implied to a complete race.

It's gingers who are less sensitive to pain. Duck Quacks Don't Echo has already nailed that one.

Mon 2 May, 2016 04:13 am
@bobsal u1553115,
When you give hate such as the BLM had been giving you are going to generate hate in return and that is hardly surprising if sad for those who have nothing to do with the BLM movement.
0 Replies
Mon 2 May, 2016 04:27 am
@bobsal u1553115,
The author is Eddie Glaude Jr. Glaude was raised in the Deep South, in Moss Point, Mississippi, and still remembers the Ku Klux Klan burning a cross at the fairground. He’s now a professor of religion and African-American studies at Princeton University, where he also chairs the Center for African-American Studies. This is his third book, and he’s a member in good standing of the black establishment, which he rigorously calls to account in Democracy in Black.

Too bad he wish to live in the past and used that past as an excuse not to address the racism of the black community or the incredible internal black homicide rate that year in and year out match and in fact excessive the killings by whites of blacks during the very worst periods in our history.
0 Replies
Mon 2 May, 2016 07:53 am
BLM as racist as any KKK group




Black Lives Matter Nashville will no longer host meetings at the north branch of the Nashville Public Library, and members said white supremacy is to blame.

Nashville Library spokeswoman Andrea Fanta said after a patron complained that the Black Lives Matter Nashville meeting planned for Saturday might be exclusionary, the library spoke with the group.

Library officials told the group that if it holds a meeting at a public space such as the library, it has to be open to everyone.

“It really goes back to our values as a part of Metro government and our values as a library which is to be free to all, open to all and welcoming to all," Fanta said.

Because of that rule, Black Lives Matter Nashville decided to change locations for the meeting.

A post on the Black Lives Matter Nashville Facebook page said their next meeting had been relocated to Dixon Memorial United Methodist Church because of “white supremacy in our local government.”

“We’ve been meeting regularly and then one person, I assume white person, felt excluded and complained and we were kicked out," said Black Lives Matter member Joshua Crutchfield. "I definitely think it is a result of white supremacy."

Black Lives Matter Nashville issued the following statement:

After several months of meeting at the North Branch library, on Wednesday (2/19), the Nashville Chapter of Black Lives Matter was contacted through email and by phone that library administrators received complaints regarding BLM’s policy of general meetings being open to black and non-black people of color only. Although meeting rooms are available to local organizations for use of a “cultural” nature, we were informed that “due to the library policy of open meetings for meeting room use,” all future meetings held at the library would be cancelled.” Ironically, all cancelled dates were in February during Black History Month. The Nashville Chapter of BLM has this policy in place to center the voices and experiences of people of color that have historically been excluded or segregated within supposedly public spaces. Black and/or people of color only spaces are often questioned and viewed with suspicion, though there is seldom any interrogation of white-only board rooms and staffs. However, we view these spaces as integral to healing and community building, particularly to those who have experienced racialized violence and ardently maintain this policy as imperative to the work and mission of BLM. We understand and even honor the importance of the library as an invaluable site of accessible information, community events, and safe space, often especially for disenfranchised people without homes and people of color, but if it cannot or will not support our values we will continue to meet elsewhere.
Crutchfield said the group welcomes people of all races to join the movement, but not the meetings.

"In our space, we really don’t have that time to deconstruct the ways in which white people can help our movement. It really is a time dedicated to healing and community building among black people and people of color," Crutchfield said.

Copyright 2016 WSMV (Meredith Corporation). All rights reserved.
Mon 2 May, 2016 08:16 am
I wonder how my one very light skin 50/50 step daughter could proved she is black enough to get into such a BLM meeting.

Would she need a family tree DNA report or sworn statements as I do not think her birth certificate contain the information.

Of course she is a race traitor having married a white man and having even more white looking babies.

Now would anyone like to tell me how BLM and the KKK is not the same kind of organizations.
Mon 2 May, 2016 03:27 pm
Man Who Served 10 Years for '64 NYC Killing Cleared of Crime

A Virginia man who spent a decade in prison after pleading guilty to a New York City slaying over 50 years ago was cleared of the crime Monday.

At the request of a prosecutor, a judge vacated the conviction of 81-year-old Paul Gatling for the 1963 shooting death of Lawrence Rothbort. In doing so, the judge apologized and Gatling hugged his crying ex-wife and a friend.

"There's a lot of water gone under the bridge, but the bridge is still standing," Gatling said after the court proceeding.

The prosecutor asked that the conviction be vacated after Gatling, a retired landscaper, asked the prosecutor's Conviction Review Unit to look into his case.

"Paul Gatling repeatedly proclaimed his innocence even as he faced the death penalty back in the 60s," Brooklyn District Attorney Ken Thompson said. "He was pressured to plead guilty and, sadly, did not receive a fair trial."

Gatling, who walked with a cane as he entered the court, said he came from a civic-minded family and "this has stopped me from voting on every level."

Rothbort was shot in his Brooklyn home. His wife told police that a man with a shotgun had entered the apartment and demanded money, shooting her husband when he refused. She provided a description, but no suspect was found.

Thompson said Gatling, 29 at the time, was questioned after another man said he saw him in the area. That man was a witness in other cases and was known to have committed perjury, Thompson said, adding that other circumstances also led to Gatling not receiving a fair trial.

Rothbort's wife, nine-months pregnant at the time of the trial, said Gatling was the man who had killed her husband, despite not being able to identify him in a line up previously. No physical evidence tied him to the crime. Defense attorneys were never given some police reports, including a description of the suspect as several years younger than Gatling.

Gatling's attorney and family pressed him to plead guilty to second-degree murder, afraid that he would otherwise face the death penalty if convicted. He agreed, and was sentenced to 30 years to life in prison in October 1964. His sentence was commuted by then-Gov. Nelson Rockefeller at the behest of the Legal Aid Society and he was released in January 1974.

His exoneration marks the 20th time in two years that the prosecutor's Conviction Review Unit has helped clear defendants found guilty in Brooklyn of crimes they did not commit, according to The New York Times, which first reported the story.
0 Replies
Mon 2 May, 2016 09:14 pm
@bobsal u1553115,

I used to know much of this stuff, but time has passed. Those look like ok links.

0 Replies
Tue 3 May, 2016 06:04 am
I wonder how my one very light skin 50/50 step daughter could proved she is black enough to get into such a BLM meeting.

Would she need a family tree DNA report or sworn statements as I do not think her birth certificate contain the information.

Of course she is a race traitor having married a white man and having even more white looking babies.

Now would anyone like to tell me how BLM and the KKK is not the same kind of organizations.
0 Replies
Tue 3 May, 2016 06:09 am



Black Lives Matter Nashville will no longer host meetings at the north branch of the Nashville Public Library, and members said white supremacy is to blame.

Nashville Library spokeswoman Andrea Fanta said after a patron complained that the Black Lives Matter Nashville meeting planned for Saturday might be exclusionary, the library spoke with the group.

Library officials told the group that if it holds a meeting at a public space such as the library, it has to be open to everyone.

“It really goes back to our values as a part of Metro government and our values as a library which is to be free to all, open to all and welcoming to all," Fanta said.

Because of that rule, Black Lives Matter Nashville decided to change locations for the meeting.

A post on the Black Lives Matter Nashville Facebook page said their next meeting had been relocated to Dixon Memorial United Methodist Church because of “white supremacy in our local government.”

“We’ve been meeting regularly and then one person, I assume white person, felt excluded and complained and we were kicked out," said Black Lives Matter member Joshua Crutchfield. "I definitely think it is a result of white supremacy."

Black Lives Matter Nashville issued the following statement:

After several months of meeting at the North Branch library, on Wednesday (2/19), the Nashville Chapter of Black Lives Matter was contacted through email and by phone that library administrators received complaints regarding BLM’s policy of general meetings being open to black and non-black people of color only. Although meeting rooms are available to local organizations for use of a “cultural” nature, we were informed that “due to the library policy of open meetings for meeting room use,” all future meetings held at the library would be cancelled.” Ironically, all cancelled dates were in February during Black History Month. The Nashville Chapter of BLM has this policy in place to center the voices and experiences of people of color that have historically been excluded or segregated within supposedly public spaces. Black and/or people of color only spaces are often questioned and viewed with suspicion, though there is seldom any interrogation of white-only board rooms and staffs. However, we view these spaces as integral to healing and community building, particularly to those who have experienced racialized violence and ardently maintain this policy as imperative to the work and mission of BLM. We understand and even honor the importance of the library as an invaluable site of accessible information, community events, and safe space, often especially for disenfranchised people without homes and people of color, but if it cannot or will not support our values we will continue to meet elsewhere.
Crutchfield said the group welcomes people of all races to join the movement, but not the meetings.

"In our space, we really don’t have that time to deconstruct the ways in which white people can help our movement. It really is a time dedicated to healing and community building among black people and people of color," Crutchfield said.

Copyright 2016 WSMV (Meredith Corporation). All rights reserved.
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bobsal u1553115
Wed 4 May, 2016 06:15 am
Local probes end in police shooting of man in wheelchair
Source: Associated Press

Local probes end in police shooting of man in wheelchair

Randall Chase, Associated Press

Updated 6:24 pm, Tuesday, May 3, 2016

DOVER, Del. (AP) — Wilmington police have finished criminal and internal investigations into the fatal police shooting of a black man in a wheelchair, local officials said Tuesday, days after city attorneys asked a federal judge to dismiss a lawsuit filed by the man's family.

Authorities said the Wilmington police department's criminal investigation into the September shooting of Jeremy McDole has concluded. The results have been submitted to the attorney general's office, which is conducting its own criminal investigation and will decide whether any of the four officers involved in the shooting will face criminal charges.

The results of the police department's criminal probe were not disclosed.

A spokeswoman for Mayor Dennis Williams said, meanwhile, that the police department's Office of Professional Standards also has finished a separate internal investigation to determine whether officers involved in the shooting complied with departmental rules and regulations governing the use of deadly force.


Read more: http://www.chron.com/news/crime/article/Internal-probe-ends-in-police-shooting-of-man-in-7391010.php
Wed 4 May, 2016 06:38 am
@bobsal u1553115,
This is getting unacceptable, what is way worse, it seems they never have to pay for these killings of blacks no matter how innocent the victim of the shootings almost always are. It truly sickens me and I am ashamed of my country for this and don't understand why it goes on.
Wed 4 May, 2016 07:29 am
This is getting unacceptable, what is way worse, it seems they never have to pay for these killings of blacks no matter how innocent the victim of the shootings almost always are. It truly sickens me and I am ashamed of my country for this and don't understand why it goes on.

The idiot had a handgun that he was shooting off so wheelchair or no damn wheelchair he as a danger to everyone who was within a few hundreds yards.

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