Why he can't see that what drives black youth to murder is poverty, marginalization, purposely degraded schools (blacks don't do that: the whites in power do that), lack of opportunity.
Any group subjected to that does exactly the same thing: they predate their own. The Chinese and Vietnamese gangs are doing it now. The Italians did it, the Jewish it, the Irish did it. The difference is that the other groups had a chance to be upwardly mobile. When Black Americans started moving up the Jim Crow laws of the Teens and Twenties occurred and buried the emerging black middle class, by law and violence. Whites initiated race riots all over the US and burned out black populations and forced them to "move on". Its a dirty, dirty history that's been buried in shame but the proof is there.
It happened here in Texas, too. As well as Florida, Oklahoma, California and other states and hundreds of black lives were lost, and very, very few white lives were taken.