Sun 16 Aug, 2015 08:14 am
Our age of consent laws claim teens below whatever the state's AoC is can't consent to sex because they're not emotionally mature enough, and/or their brains aren't developed enough to enable such consent.
Yet, just about every US state allows those below the AoC to marry (with parental consent) to anyone of any age in which case because they're now-married, consent to sex with their spouses. In Massachusetts you can marry at 12 with parental and judicial consent. Dunno what the non-married AoC is off the top of my head, but it's between 16 and 18. So the kids in Massachusettes aren't mature enough, or developed enough to make a legally permitted decision to have sex until 16 to 18. But they can magically consent to being married, and then they suddenly are mature enough. Huh? Are the age of consent laws just superficial and the true AoC the marriage ages? It's like the state is pushing people to get married in order to have sex. And if you're parents say ok, could be getting married and having completely legal sex with your 80 year husband before you're out of middle school (in theory.)
Here in Missouri, teens are mature enough to drive at 16 and are trusted to not play demolotion derby or GTA. But not trusted to have sex for 1 more year (17.) But they are trusted to get married at 15 if their parents say ok. And that marriage can be to someone of any age. And once married, the AoC is effectively null and void for the purposes of their having sex.
And kids in other countries can usually consent to sex a few years before our's in the US. So using the arguements for such laws, their kids must be more developed, mature, and wiser than our's are. Right?
Or is it we have equally young AoC in effect but push marriage? And thus statutory crimes aren't about rape so much as not having gotten married and thus are more about fornication? In effect then, we're respected the instution of religious marriage and sex by saying if you get married, you can have sex much earlier than you would get to otherwise. But if you have sex at the same age absent marriage, you're commiting the religious crime of fornication and will be prosecuted for it. Could never have gotten that into law as a religious issue, but by camoflagueing it as a civil issue they did.