Tue 8 Sep, 2015 08:04 am - But only a handfull of new topic and posts each day? Is it actually 1400+ accounts logged in but 1390 of them are bots? :) (view)
Tue 8 Sep, 2015 08:00 am - If you and others were truly horrified by this or other threads you say you can't stand, you wouldn't be reading them. I'm 'horrified' by political threads so rarely... (view)
Tue 8 Sep, 2015 07:50 am - Oh, nevermind, I found it.
Was browsing through on-demand choices the other day and saw the trailer for "Area 51" which is... (view)
Tue 8 Sep, 2015 07:39 am - Was a found-footage sorta one I think about an alien abduction. Came out a year or two ago I think. Not "Area 51." End think had a scene where the guy's aboard the alien ship or... (view)
Tue 8 Sep, 2015 07:34 am - You're confusing Raelians with Scientology. :) Raelians are the UFO cult people, Scientology are the Republican Xenu-cult ones. (view)
Tue 8 Sep, 2015 07:32 am - Just as much a religion as Christianity. They're all lies and half-truths made to convince people there's something beyond death to look fowards to.
If it comforts you believing some... (view)
Tue 8 Sep, 2015 07:25 am - Why do you think logic has a part in laws? ;) In all likelyhood, that law came about after many handjobs and dinners to fancy restaurants. (view)
Tue 8 Sep, 2015 07:22 am - Dunno whether to laugh, cry, or recoil in fear there are people in the world who might actually believe this sort of thing. (view)
Tue 8 Sep, 2015 07:19 am - Take a multivitamin with 100% of the day's vitaminK - aids blood clotting. Though if on prescription blood thinners check with your doctor, could make it less effective. (view)