Kyleah wrote:
That's hardly fair. My kids are principles list and stand out in many other areas in school and life. They are smart and great. All 3 have said leave daddy.. He treats you like ****. They see it. It's been a nightmare. So when I say hey stuff happens.. It does that's true. Did I know my h would turn into an angry beast? No. I'm not responsible for his behavior he is. I'm only responsible for mine. No not that mine is good at the moment. Not good at all.
I am glad your kids are doing well I am explaining how poor an example you are being, more than likely their use of swear words when describing their dad is probably a result of poor adult behavior.
Saying you made a mistake rather than stuff happens would show that you realize your choices were not the best .., shrugging and saying stuff happens shows little accountability on your part. You are not responsible for your husband's behavior, but you are responsible for how you handle it. Everyone makes mistakes and having an affair although understandable in your circumstance is probably not the best decision, but how you take accountability for your actions shows much more.
Don't say stuff happens..face it you are human and made a mistake...take ownership and do what is right for you and your children. It isn't just you ...this impacts the kids.