Quote:Right or wrong, the Israelis occupy a country created for them by the United Nations.
Not exactly. They occupy much more than that.
Quote:Right or wrong, the occupied territories (West Bank, Golan Heights, Gaza Strip) were seized and held when Israel's neighbors attempted to wipe it off the map.
Spoils of war eh?
Quote:(It was definitely wrong for Israel's neighbors to attempt to eliminate them--public opinion is still divided over whether Israel should have to return the occupied lands to their enemies.)
So if Israel's neighbours are definitely in the wrong, that makes Israel definitely right, right?
Quote:Most of the Palestinians now living in Israel and the occupied territories were not there when Israel was created.
And neither were the Jews, so what's the point?
Quote:There is room to believe that the relatively few Palestianians who were there at the time got less than a fair deal and/or were not treated equitably.
Well if its not fair to be forcibly evicted from your property, your land seized, your villages destroyed, well then yes I agree it was not exactly equitable.
Quote:I think the Palestinians would now be ordinary citizens of Israel living their lives in peace and prosperity had the Palestinian self-appointed leaders (Arafat) not been determined to destroy Israel.
I see. So its just Arafat stirring up trouble?
Quote:No matter what is going on, few honorable people disagree that it is wrong to firebomb restaurants and bars and busses loaded with school children.
Not few, absolutely none in my book. And no honourable person could possibly agree with the activities of the Jewish terrorist gangs such as the Stern and the Irgun could they?
Quote:It is very difficult to fault Israel for objecting to that and using overwhelming force in their objection.
If I'd just seen my kids blown to bits, yes I think I would object. But I would still be wrong if I used overwhelming force by, say, a nuclear reprisal attack on Damascus. Your argument does not follow.
Quote:This [what the use of overwhelming force?] has created a good deal of inequities and suffering for the Palestinians.
I think this is undeniable.
Quote:Wherever the wall has gone up, terrorist activities have dropped to essentially zero.
You are making an assumption of cause and effect here. Maybe they're sat at home making bombs while wondering if Israel will be forced to tear it down.
Quote:Honorable people should have a hard time seeing that as a bad thing.
Well the International Court of Justice at the Hague has said it is a bad thing. Their Honours are honourable people, by definition. They think its so bad in fact that they have ordered Israel to pull it down, and compensate the people affected by it.