And before that, it was beer in the morning, beer at noon and beer in the evening? :wink:
EDIT: this is my 2000th post
Yes, and schnaps - any alcohol, too, later.
I think schnaps is the word I like most in the German language. I don't know, it just sounds ... so ... (...) sort of happy. Sssschnnaaapsss.
Rick d'Israeli wrote:You can call it 'hills', I call it MOUNTAINS. Yikes!
well, what did you expect?
The Netherlands are unique: below the sea level and flattish.
Not Germany: Go the the south, the Zugspitze or in Austria the Grossglockner. That are mountains.
Thok wrote:Go the the south, the Zugspitze or in Austria the Grossglockner. That are mountains.
Well that are HUGE mountains. (...) But I like to hear you saying the Netherlands are unique. National pride, you know.
Well, I belong to the few, who climbed up the Vaalserberg not only single-handedly .... but even additionally without oxygen!!!
Without oxygen?? You're lieing! ( :wink: )
No, no, not at all:
there even was a report in the Limburgs Dagblad (or was it De Limburger? Never mind, it isn't online anymore), titled something like "Walter, de 'mountain hero' en de mythe van de berg".
Okay, I admit: I only went from the car around the place and wondered, why people find this interesting (wondered even more later at the Dreiländereck).
Well, the Vaalserberg IS the highest "mountain" of the Netherlands, which would explain why people find it interesting. Actually, I've been there once and it didn't mean anything special to me.
Rick d'Israeli wrote:Well, the Vaalserberg IS the highest "mountain" of the Netherlands,
but "de meeste Nederlanders kennen het Sauerland en het grootste skigebied boven de Alpen aan de voet van de Kahler Asten (841 meter)" ... and are thus building up traffic jams everywhere here, since they invade now even in the same amount in summer, and in the krokus holidays ... ...

I'm so proud of my fellow countrymen!
I hate to chime in late myusername but man I may have to book a flight to your country and hang out with ya. If you can arrange a vampire hunt it sounds like just my kind of fun, and please feel free to come and visit me and squinney for the monthly draw and quarter and roast a republican under the full moon party we have in the backyard.
Republican blood is almost a glowing black/purple under the light of the full moon and although certainly more bland in taste than anyone elses, does offer up a pleasing scent to the Dark Lord when done properly. Bring your incantation book and we can swap spells.
Another USA resident, but one day I will venture out into the rest of the world. I would love to see Iceland, Greenland, Ireland, Australia and yes, even Croatia if I can get one of those special passes. Being eaten aint all it's cracked up to be.
well, of course you two can get passes
Let me guess MOU: for 10,000 dollar each you'll get them these passes? :wink:
of course not, they'll get it for free, but you just lost yours
MyOwnUsername wrote:of course not, they'll get it for free, but you just lost yours

<<squinney does superior dance while Bear rides unicycle in red fez>>