Sat 10 Jul, 2004 05:24 pm
Are you willing to join the survey?
To me, i was really want to know your answer,i was just very curious.
I forget one important thing,i am from China,what about you ?
I'm in Canada.
Welcome to A2K Sally :-D
I´m in Austria
welcome to a2k
thank you ,i am glad to be here.
sally3234 wrote:thank you ,i am glad to be here.
We have currently 17290 registered members from all countries in the world. We are an international forum... :-)
Hi Sally.
The U.S.A. is home for me, but I've been working in Saudi Arabia for the past 12 years.
Jim wrote:
The U.S.A. is home for me, but I've been working in Saudi Arabia for the past 12 years.
May I ask you, at which company do you work and how about is the situation? Because it's a matter of common knowledge,that their are problems in the Saudi Kingdom....
Be careful over there Jim.
Thanks Doglover.
Thok - I work for the State Oil Company, Saudi Aramco. Things have been quite here since the last incidents in Khobar and Riyadh. Whether this will hold for any length of time is anyone's guess.
The residential compound my family lived in (and I still live in for the weekends) has just about turned into a ghost town. With the school year being nearly over, most everyone we know has sent their families back home. Today is 678 calander days until early retirement. I'm going to try to stick it out until then.
Thanks and also from me: Be careful
The Netherlands - also known als Holland (though I HATE that word - Holland = bah!)
USA here.....not the polar bears natural habitat, but I like it .
I suddenly remember a Dutch commercial about an American family 'discovering' Wagner Pizzas. The mother says
'It's from Deutschland' (when she looks at the pizza box). The son asks to his father
'What's Deutschland?' And the father answers:
'That's that little country next to the Netherlands'.
that I call humor

(part of the 'Calimero'-syndrome I guess).
Rick d'Israeli wrote:I suddenly remember a Dutch commercial about an American family 'discovering' Wagner Pizzas. The mother says
'It's from Deutschland' (when she looks at the pizza box). The son asks to his father
'What's Deutschland?' And the father answers:
'That's that little country next to the Netherlands'
that I call humor

(part of the 'Calimero'-syndrome I guess).
That´s no humor.....
So well, Holland: Is as far as I know a "district" of the Netherlands. Ok, it´s a not good name for the whole country.
Indian - but I live in Britain now (and I just can't bring myself to call it "Great" Britain)