But Beth, there are more than one way to be a woman, just like there's more than one way to be a man.
What this discussion is missing, IMHO, is an understanding that certain sub-cultures derive pleasure and a certain sense of rightfulness and radicality from being different from the norm.
Whitebars seems to fit a certain pattern that I have personnally encountered in real life: the (generally young and simplistic, sometimes "politically lesbian") feminist with a big axe to grind about men. Like my friend Nathalie evoked above. She was a super-nice person at heart -- an angel really -- but in her sub-culture it was expected to say things like "all men are inherently rapists", told with a sense of rightfullness and an anger not unlike a young leftist talking about the capitalists.
From what I know most of them end up married with kids, like most young leftist firebrands end up working for the dough. It's a phase.
In any case, I am not certain that Whitebars is a woman. My take is there is no solid reason to think otherwise, and no way to prove it one way or another, hence the discussion is futile. I could of course be wrong.