Let's start to look at this nonsense
The IRS scandal - What scandal? The only scandal is that the IRS has allowed groups to get 501(c) status that clearly are not following the law. Oh, wait, there were a few employees that implemented a way to try to identify those groups and require information from them before granting status. This has been investigated by Congress and they found nothing there.
The Fast and Furious Scandal - Gun walking started when Bush was President.
The Benghazi Scandal - Once again, what scandal? This is made up **** by the RW that felt they should ignore all the attacks on actual embassies when Bush was President.
The Arab Spring debacle - You mean that invading Iraq didn't cause all the arab states to become democracies? Oh, wait. That was when Bush was President.
The Russia-Ukraine debacle How much more similar to the Russian- Georgian debacle under Bush could you get.
The Syria redline debacle - You mean the fact that Syria allowed all it's chemical weapons to be destroyed by the UN?
I guess you would have preferred that Syria keep it's chemical weapons?
***Strong potential that this administration will cut some type of deal with Iran that in exchange for that rogue nations help in the war against ISIS that the US will relax some of the restrictions on Iran concerning the enrichment of uranium
ROFLMAO.. SO now the RW fears are actual issues that are on Obama's agenda? You forgot to mention he is from Kenya.
Cutting our military to the bone
Current inflation adjusted spending on the military is higher than it was from 1962-2006. That is cutting it to the bone? That is nonsense. We are spending more of our GDP on the military then we did during the Vietnam war.