Gay marriage: TX Attorney General advises clerks they can refuse marriage lic. on religious grounds

Debra Law
Reply Thu 2 Jul, 2015 03:51 pm
You have created both sides of the argument and found in your favour . That is delusional

This accusation has no basis in fact. However, a simple review of our conversation discloses that you are the one guilty of creating strawmen arguments to counter. By your own standard, you are the delusional one.

Ionus wrote:

You understand very little . . . I was proposing (events have overtaken it) a compromise in that the full legal rights of heterosexual marriage be applied to homosexual unions, we just find a different name for it because it is the name that is creating the divisiveness."

I understood your argument. It is the "separate but [allegedly] equal" argument that was rejected by the Supreme Court. You may google and find authoritative sources to verify this fact. I now understand, however, that you are opposed to googling--you ridicule self-education and reliance on historical facts and authority--and would rather pull "delusional" stuff out of your uninformed head. So far, that is your modus operandi.

It is the unequal treatment of historically disfavored groups of people that creates divisiveness, not the failure of the oppressed to accept the crumbs offered to them. When we all can agree that the Fourteenth Amendment means what it says and is enforceable by persons deprived of equal protection under the law, then perhaps the divisiveness will come to an end.

"Ionus" wrote:
Of course arrogance and stupidity won the day . Who wants to compromise when you have a cause that makes you feel powerful and righteous . People like you just want to push others around, carrying on with bullshit about slavery . Really ? How dare you compare homosexuality with slavery ! You are truely an obnoxious desperate character.

Please do not misrepresent my argument. I am comparing our nation's history of discrimination against black people to our nation's history of discrimination against homosexual people. Neither is acceptable, which is the point that you seek to evade with disingenuous outrage. "How dare you" indeed.

You are displaying a temper tantrum because your proffered "compromise" to keep the institution of marriage for yourself, and to establish a separate and allegedly equal institution for other people was rejected.

Anti-miscegenation laws and Jim Crow laws that became prevalent after the emancipation of the slaves were designed to allow those with delusions of superiority to oppress the blacks. Those are things that were truly obnoxious in our history, yet you refuse to recognize the parallel between the past and the present. If you understand that it wasn't acceptable to oppress people based on the color of their skin (and that oppression caused divisiveness), then why do you think it is acceptable now to oppress people based on their sexual orientation? The only ones causing divisiveness are the ones who somehow view themselves as superior and don't want homosexual people included in their precious institution of marriage, which is a civil institution (not a religious institution).

Debra wrote:
you might of said the same thing to proponents of equal civil rights for our nation's black citizens

Ionus wrote:
My service in helping black people pisses all over yours so dont get uppity with me .

I don't believe you. You have offered no evidence in support of your assertion. Your choice of the word "uppity", which word has significant historical meaning, says a lot about you. I will not kowtow to your command. I will get "uppity" whenever it pleases me to do so.

Ionus wrote:
What about de-facto relationships, do they have to sit at the back of the bus ?

Ionus wrote:
I cannot answer that question until you provide me with a definition of "de facto relationships". An online urban online dictionary defines the phrase as a dating relationship wherein the two people involved tell their friends they are not dating, just hanging out. I don't know how this relates to the subject of civil rights and second class citizenship.

Ionus wrote:
"Ok, Ok, I get it already..it was online...gees ! You would have done better to use a real dictionary :

De facto (/dɨ ˈfæktoʊ/, /deɪ-/, Latin: [deː ˈfaktoː]) is a Latin expression that means "in fact, in reality, in actual existence, force, or possession, as a matter of fact" (literally "from fact").

They are also known as common law marriages, defacto relationships, domestic relationships, close personal relationships, and domestic partnerships to name a few . The original concept of a "common-law marriage" is a marriage that is considered valid by both partners, but has not been formally recorded with a state or religious registry, or celebrated in a formal religious service . In effect, the act of the couple representing themselves to others as being married, and organizing their relation as if they were married, acts as the evidence that they are married . Your choice of a definition was silly and self serving .

I have no quarrel with the definition of "de facto." I don't know what you mean when you use the expression to modify the word "relationships" within the context of our conversation. You still haven't made yourself clear. It doesn't appear that you even understand that marriage is a civil contract that may be entered, maintained, and dissolved only in accordance with civil laws. To the extent you're asking me whether same-sex couples who are denied the right to marry but have the right to enter "domestic partnerships" sit in the back of the bus (in the proverbial sense), then the answer is YES. They are being treated as second-class citizens.

Reply Thu 2 Jul, 2015 10:41 pm
@Debra Law,
Did you Google that?
Yes . Yes I did . So what ?
Reply Thu 2 Jul, 2015 10:46 pm
There is no compromise unless you rewrite much of existing law.
Is that comparable to what happened ? You know, where a SCotUS overturned its own previous decisions and told the states to rewrite their own laws AGAIN based on its decision ?

Why do you think it is impossible to simply say homosexual Unions will have ALL the legal status of a heterosexual marriage but will have a different name ? Why would that be so difficult ?

Defacto marriages were mainly about the children though as with everything else it has changed with time .
Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 2 Jul, 2015 10:53 pm
Ionus wrote:
Why do you think it is impossible to simply say homosexual Unions will have ALL the legal status of a heterosexual marriage but will have a different name ? Why would that be so difficult ?
And that would prove that they have the same rights? And wouldn't be discriminating? Shocked
Reply Thu 2 Jul, 2015 11:04 pm
@Debra Law,
This accusation has no basis in fact.
Says who ? You ? Stop all the speeches from Mt Olympus and produce facts . Why are you so in love with your own eloquence that you cant produce facts but only assertions ?

You may google and find authoritative sources to verify this fact. I now understand, however, that you are opposed to googling--you ridicule self-education and reliance on historical facts and authority--and would rather pull "delusional" stuff out of your uninformed head. So far, that is your modus operandi.
Oh, so you are fully in favour of ad hominems just not when I do it . Who made up that rule . Was it you ?

YOU wrote the following which is clearly an error or a lie .
Ionus wrote: I cannot answer that question until you provide me with a definition of "de facto relationships". An online urban online dictionary defines the phrase as a dating relationship wherein the two people involved tell their friends they are not dating, just hanging out. I don't know how this relates to the subject of civil rights and second class citizenship.
Please dont attribute your rubbish, that I point out as rubbish, to me .

You are displaying a temper tantrum
You are displaying a holier than thou attitude where if people dont believe homosexuals had it as bad as the blacks than you have nothing to stand on . It is only by accepting your rubbish of the two being even remotely equitable that you have an argument . By association of the two, you have dropped the homosexual side and will now argue the black cause, thus winning the easily led .

You have offered no evidence in support of your assertion.
You have argued there is no difference between being black and homosexual . What a joke ! You did mean it as a joke didnt you ? But let you put forward your "evidence" for helping black people because clearly you do not accept my statement . Will you be providing certified copies or court documents ?

To the extent you're asking me whether same-sex couples who are denied the right to marry but have the right to enter "domestic partnerships" sit in the back of the bus (in the proverbial sense), then the answer is YES. They are being treated as second-class citizens.
I asked, in clear English, if defacto relationships sit in the back of the bus . Do you need help with English ? We should establish that before going further .

Your use of latin tells me you have been educated beyond your intelligence . You are more about show and flowery words than substance . Try to communicate rather than use the platform for your ego .
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 2 Jul, 2015 11:21 pm
I certainly have been taught a different concept of law and legal philosophy due to our different legal system.
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Reply Fri 3 Jul, 2015 12:52 pm
So your argument is not to call them marriages.
Instead you would redefine the term marriage to include civil unions.

And you think that somehow doesn't make them marriages?
Debra Law
Reply Fri 3 Jul, 2015 01:11 pm
Ionus wrote:

Debra wrote:
Did you Google that?
Yes . Yes I did . So what ?

Exactly. Therefore, in the future, you should refrain from ridiculing other people who use search engines to access the vast library of information on the internet.
Debra Law
Reply Fri 3 Jul, 2015 03:42 pm
Debra, having gathered together snippets of conversation, wrote:
Ionus wrote:
That is delusional

Debra wrote:
By your own standard, you are the delusional one.

Debra wrote:

Ionus wrote:
Oh, so you are fully in favour of ad hominems just not when I do it .

Ionus wrote:
You understand very little

Ionus wrote:
Of course arrogance and stupidity won the day

Ionus wrote:
You are truely an obnoxious desperate character

Ionus wrote:
pisses all over yours

Ionus wrote:
dont get uppity with me

Ionus wrote:
Stop all the speeches from Mt Olympus

Ionus wrote:
Why are you so in love with your own eloquence

Debra wrote:
Please do not misrepresent my argument. I am comparing our nation's history of discrimination against black people to our nation's history of discrimination against homosexual people. Neither is acceptable, which is the point that you seek to evade with disingenuous outrage.

Ionus wrote:
You are displaying a holier than thou attitude where if people dont believe homosexuals had it as bad as the blacks than you have nothing to stand on . It is only by accepting your rubbish of the two being even remotely equitable that you have an argument

Ionus wrote:
You have argued there is no difference between being black and homosexual . What a joke ! You did mean it as a joke didnt you ?

Ionus wrote:
What about de-facto relationships, do they have to sit at the back of the bus ?

Debra wrote:
I cannot answer that question until you provide me with a definition of "de facto relationships". An online urban online dictionary defines the phrase as a dating relationship wherein the two people involved tell their friends they are not dating, just hanging out. I don't know how this relates to the subject of civil rights and second class citizenship.

Ionus wrote:
They are also known as common law marriages, defacto relationships, domestic relationships, close personal relationships, and domestic partnerships to name a few .

Debra wrote:
To the extent you're asking me whether same-sex couples who are denied the right to marry but have the right to enter "domestic partnerships" sit in the back of the bus (in the proverbial sense), then the answer is YES. They are being treated as second-class citizens.

Ionus wrote:
I asked, in clear English, if defacto relationships sit in the back of the bus . Do you need help with English ? We should establish that before going further .

Ionus wrote:
Your use of latin tells me you have been educated beyond your intelligence . You are more about show and flowery words than substance . Try to communicate rather than use the platform for your ego .


Ionus, dear friend: I have abandoned the tedious work of going back to our prior conversations and providing the content you chose to omit simply because context used to be very important to me. What a waste of time! Following your stellar lead, Ionus, I put together snippets of our prior conversations set forth above and omitted relevant context. By doing this, we no longer have to engage in honest debate! You misrepresent my arguments and I'll misrepresent yours and we can call each other names. Laughing

Furthermore, if a homosexual couple legally enters a "domestic partnership" established by a state's statutory law, they are not in a de facto relationship; they are in a de jure relationship. It appears to me that you're the one with language problems. I am rubber, and you are glue and all that other blah, blah grade school stuff. But go ahead and rewrite our posting history, take our statements out of context, throw in an extra amount of personal insults, and prove me wrong.

Sincerely, though, have a very nice day.

Debra Law
Reply Fri 3 Jul, 2015 04:13 pm
Ionus wrote:
All this nonsense that it must be called marriage when marriage is defined as between a man and a woman is based on homosexuals desire to be normal when clearly they are not.

You are hateful. Someday bigots like you will all be gone. I read your disgusting fantasy story about the enslavement of homosexual persons and you are disgusting, disgusting, disgusting. Thought it was funny? think again.

Isn't it reverse discrimination to tell so many people they must lose their cherished traditions ?

It's only reverse discrimination if you are denied the right to marry, moron.
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Reply Sat 4 Jul, 2015 12:22 am
It might make it more palatable to the ultra religious. In my opinion a spade is a spade no matter what it is called.
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Reply Sat 4 Jul, 2015 12:27 am
@Debra Law,
So you have learned that Ionus is basically a lier. Thats the reason I dont converse with him.
Reply Sat 4 Jul, 2015 02:50 am
So you have learned that Ionus is basically a lier. Thats the reason I dont converse with him.
There is a distinct lack of intelligence on this forum . Many of you cant read any more, misquote people, fail to understand very basic principles of anything..for example...to prove someone is lying you must be able to prove they knew differently to what they said and they chose to do so anyway . That means a failure of memory, a distraction or anyone of a thousand excuses can be used as a rebuttal . Always suggest they are a liar, never say so or you look like a fool . But that wont stop you, will it you old fart...still going to beat me up when you see me ?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Jul, 2015 04:45 am
@Debra Law,
Debra Law wrote:
You are hateful. Someday bigots like you will all be gone. I read your disgusting fantasy story about the enslavement of homosexual persons and you are disgusting, disgusting, disgusting.

Exactly, Ionus has nothing else to offer. There is nothing to be gained in reading any of his posts. Put him on ignore, you've got better things to do that pay that insignificant pustule any attention.

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