Foxfyre wrote:(almost) everybody in the free world in the current and previous administrations believed he had WMD and would use them. Whether or not he had them at the time of the invasion, the belief was that he did.
And thats still not true, no matter how oft you repeat it.
Even on the question of whether Saddam "had WMD" at the time of the invasion, I already quoted you one foreign minister from a sizable country in "the free world", here in this very thread (
3)), saying he was "not convinced" by America's suggested proof that Saddam still had WMD.
It was unprecedented for a German foreign minister to openly turn against a US minister like that. It was unprecedented for a minister to switch to English and address the US secretary of defence directly with such a harsh message, in front of all those allies. It reflected the deeply-rooted unease with the bluster with which the American government claimed to know Saddam still had WMD, when we werent all that sure at all. Joschka spoke for Belgium, France and a bunch of smaller countries as well as his own - and for many opposition politicians and voters in the countries whose governments did side with the US as well.
Yet you still persist with your "everybody in the free world believed he had WMD" line.
Moreover, this time you even add "and would use them". Almost everyone in the free world believed Saddam still had WMD and was going to use them?
Now this is so patently untrue I dont know where to start ...
Foxfyre wrote:But playing devil's advocate for a bit here, some on this thread maintain that we should have continued the UN policies of 'containing' Saddam, continue the embargo, continue the inspections indefinitely. If that policy in fact did kill 500,000 children. . . .well, you get my drift.
Here, however, you've got a good point. Most who say the war was a crime argue that we should have continued to practice containment. But how do you practice effective containment without sanctions? Can you be against both sanctions and war? I guess you can, but that would have given Saddam a way longer leash than I'd be comfortable with, in any case ...