sorry for the previous spam

To the point:
I am not going to give you tips what to lick or where to put your dee-dee. All I want to do is to suggest: Play with the elements! Make atmosphere pleasant, make a place where you both will feel great. That will make a huge difference. Par instance, play with lights: I like red glowing candles. Use some nice smell ( aromatic candles or so) Make sure bedding is cleans, make it extra soft or fetch some really nice for touching. According to your taste. Prepare some good music you'll both like. Get some massaging oils or toys you like (if you don't know any, just experiment. I started with... vegetables

). Get some aperitifs - vine, champagne. Get something small to eat - believe me , after a long time of play you both will be hungry as hell! Use some nice perfume onto yourself. Small tip: do not shower and perfume just before sex - you natural odour will go off. Take last shower with perfume just a couple of hours before intercourse. Start the meeting in pleasant way - make her feel good at first (very important!) Talk to her, take her to dinner, watch some movie if you like or just go directly for it. I like gently and slowly... Just looking at yourself, slowly touching, then toughing some more, taking off clothes... Also give it a lot of time. Like couple of hours or whole night if you can. There is nothing worse then rushing like " I must go to bed soon soon because I get up early."
I hope you got my draft. And I think I gave you a lot of ideas to think about...
Good luck and may you be hard