Quote:youre just against equal civil rights
Yeah. bring back slavery...gees you are a real dick . Play the slave card, that always works .
Who called it Marriage Rights ? Homosexuals did . Does that tell you anything ? How about ISIS Rights, now do you see the problem with just attaching rights to the end of anything ?
Obviously the stupid are going to think it must be a right if it has rights on the end of it, but people with any brain will ask themselves what about the Marriage Rights of heterosexuals ? It is THEIR institution . They invented it . No amount of bullshit from the left is going to change that . 5% of homosexuals want to get married when homosexuals make up 7% of the population so 45% of the population have to have their Marriage Rights taken away . All because queers cant call it something else, they want to be pushy and pretend they are normal . They are not normal .
Dont forget to whinge about how you cant comprehend restructuring dinosaur DNA from available proteins .