Gay Couples:Marriage is Not a Right

Reply Fri 5 Jun, 2015 07:06 pm
On Friday, June 5, 2015 at 4:33:52 PM UTC-7, Joe Bruno wrote:
> http://www.nationalcenter.org/P21NVGreenMarriage90712.html
> How do we know that? States can deny marriage licenses for various reasons, such as hereditary diseases.If marriage were a right, no license or state approval would be necessary, just as no state approval is necessary to vote or get a job or have children or buy an automobile.

Some possible reasons for denial:

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Type: Discussion • Score: 8 • Views: 8,873 • Replies: 213

Reply Fri 5 Jun, 2015 07:25 pm
marriage technically should or could be a right. the right to free will. if my will is to get married i have the right to do that. and to disclude a group of people from a normal activity many people do and have the right to do, i say that is not right. if god is to be an all powerful creator why contribute the lowest form of confrontation. name calling. a major section of which is stereotypes. to judge a group of people (gays) and just say they shouldn't be able to be married is not right. gay people should not be punished because they have affectionate feelings for another person of the same sex of them, which is also not their fault
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Reply Fri 5 Jun, 2015 10:20 pm
I am not sure what you're trying to say here, but we're talking about gender equality. Every person has the right to apply for a marriage license, regardless of his gender, race, color and nationality. Should a marriage license be denied it has to have a valid reason other than gender.
Reply Fri 5 Jun, 2015 10:27 pm
denial of a marriage license, in effect, denies the gay couple of certain civil rights no?
Reply Fri 5 Jun, 2015 10:40 pm
Yes, of course!
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Reply Sat 6 Jun, 2015 12:23 am
Why cant homosexual couples have a different name for it other than marriage

how about trying to keep your head from exploding. Im sure theres a bunch of people in "fly over" country that beleive like you. But you know what I say ?
**** EM. Theyve been enemies of civil rights all along. So no matter how "High principalled " you wish to sound, youre just against equal civil rights , that's pretty much it in a nutshell.
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Reply Sat 6 Jun, 2015 05:29 am
He he he. I like the way you come on, all bigoted and then try to pass it off onto others.
"Civil Rights" , I guess you cant understand what they might entail do you?

Im sure you can look it up on Wikipedia.

PS, you really are demonstrably an old fuckin bigot . While youre on your soapbox, what do you think about womens rights?
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Reply Sat 6 Jun, 2015 05:34 am
whinge about how you cant comprehend restructuring dinosaur DNA from available proteins .

Ive got a spare minute, Id love to hear what you know about this assertion
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Reply Sat 6 Jun, 2015 05:39 am
What youve not been able to address is the following:
"Do gay folks have the same civil rights as the rest of us"?
Reply Sat 6 Jun, 2015 08:31 am
"Do gay folks have the same civil rights as the rest of us"?
Still playing the bigot card... Rolling Eyes You just cant stick the word rights on to something and imagine it is a real right . How far back does this right go ? The Romans ? The origins of the Bible ? No ? 10 years perhaps ? There is nothing to stop homosexuals from having the same legal status but under a different name .

You want to force the population to accept something for your own delusional purposes so dont try and convince anyone you are a nice guy saving humanity from its own evil nature . I bet I have known, worked with and had more homosexual friends than you . 5% of homosexuals say they will get married . Homosexuals constitute 7% of the population . But you dont compromise do you, you are too tough for that, so you want to force the other 93% of the population to do what you want even though 95% of homosexuals couldnt give a rats arse and dont want to get married...ever .

Whats wrong with a compromise ? Did sticking the word Right on the end of Marriage convince you ? I've thrown out mouldy bread that had a higher IQ than that .
Reply Sat 6 Jun, 2015 09:12 am
SIMPLE ASS question.

Why is that a "bigoted question"? (I suspect it's because youve never been able to dispense clever insults. Ill bet if it werent for Wikipedia youd only know how to say "you want fries with dat"?
Reply Sat 6 Jun, 2015 09:18 am
Why is that a "bigoted question"?
I dont know, you are the one who said it...I said you were playing the bigot card . Pretending you are a champion on a crusade...Hah ! You only care about yourself . How many homosexuals do you have as friends right at this very moment ? And leave out your nightly visit to the barn .
Reply Sat 6 Jun, 2015 09:50 am
I dont know, you are the one who said it...I said you were playing the bigot card

SO if I asked it and you say it was "bigoted" I must be operating on your definitional court of what a bigot actually is. SO , with that in mind, I AGAIN ASK YOU ,
Surely you arent afraid to answer in a strait forward fashion. Or are you?

Reply Sat 6 Jun, 2015 09:56 pm
Your understanding is shocking . You ask a loaded question where you will be able to call me a bigot, then pretend to not know you are playing the bigot card and ask how is the question bigoted . Seriously, do you think your fan club will go ooohhh...he's doing it again ! Isnt he clever ! Are you still involved in the sex slave trade ?
Reply Sat 6 Jun, 2015 11:14 pm
so youre refusing to answer me because it afflicts your beliefs eh?
Cant handle it?

I like it when you accuse me of asking a "loaded" question about whether civil rights should be afforded gay couples. Your refual to answer say a lot.

Reply Sat 6 Jun, 2015 11:35 pm
Lets play it your way, then shall we ? I would hate for you to think you are right . Homosexuals already have civil rights . I think that is a just thing .
Reply Sat 6 Jun, 2015 11:48 pm
wsnt hard was it?
So, when gays werent allowed to marry (in the US), did you know that there was a resultant denial of certain of their civil rights by maintaining that state where a civil union , marriage, was not allowed?

If certain civil rights were denied just by not allowing them to marry, how then, can they "Already have had civil right"??

Youre understanding is quite imperfect.

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