hawkeye10 wrote:
I agree with the OP, THe collective majority has the right to decide what marriage is, they can if they want decide that it means one man and one woman. I have never taken a position on if this should be the case but I have given reasons why the collective might reasonably and rationally decide to do thus. It appears however that the decline in the health of the institution of marriage might make the point largely moot however.
Hello? Read any news lately? The majority of the U.S. and their legislators have decided that equality is the way to go and this includes same-sex marriage. To date 38 states allow legal same-sex marriage, 8 states have banned same-sex marriage, but were overturned. They appealed, so the jury is still out. Regardless, it's only a matter of time before the entire country has same-sex marriages legalized; it will be only a very short time.
So the collective majority has decided already. The institution of marriage, where every second marriage ends in divorce, is not something that needs to desperately be upheld between men and women only.